Counting crows

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These poor creatures have been abacus-ated because the faculty didn't issue any pocket calculators, or any other form of such advanced technology. Now they have abdicated from their plight and are intent on pecking out the eyes of any unlucky soul that happens by.

As luck would have it, here YOU are.

Opponent Level Information

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:


Combat Messages

Initiative Message(s)

  • While they contemplate the murder of one Mr. Jones you get the jump on them.
  • They watch you stumble across a wire and get the jump on you.

Successful Attack

  • Seven of them try to shred your face to pieces, so you may never tell their secret. You receive X DAMAGE!

Miss Messages:

  • They realize they've been hanging around this town too long and fly away.
  • They mess up your hair, but luckily that's about it.
  • Three of them suddenly remember they have a wedding to attend and fly off.






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