Vicious wabbit

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In the middle of what appears to be the bones of approximately 50 men, there is a small white rabbit. There is an eery silence and you think to yourself, "This is no place for a cute little bunny."

As you move towards it, intending to pick it up and take it to a safer place, it begins to smile at you. At least you hope it's smiling, because those teeth look killer.

Opponent Level Information

Opponent Level:

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:


Combat Messages

Initiative Message(s):

  • With lightning fast movement and teeth bared, your opponent leaps towards your throat and gets the jump on you!
  • At the top of your lungs you shout "RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!" The wabbit doesn't appear to realise you are only shouting and not running away. You get the jump.

Successful Attack(s):

  • All you remember is a white flash, some maniacal squeaking and being beaten up by the most bad-tempered rodent you have ever laid eyes on. Oh, and the X DAMAGE it just did to you!
  • The vicious wabbit nibbles your bum for X DAMAGE!
  • Using its mile-wide mean streak, it terrorises you for X DAMAGE!

Missed Attack(s):

  • Your opponent stops to gnaw on one of the many bones lying on the ground.
  • The wabbit seems to be distracted by some distant chanting.
  • Your opponent gets so cross at you that it makes a mistake and can't attack you.






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