Rock lobstar

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Revision as of 05:58, 14 October 2011 by Ragazi (talk | contribs)
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You are fighting a rock lobstar

There's some motion in the ocean, and you're suddenly confronted by what appears to be a lobster with a guitar, shades and the most incredbly bulbous bouffant you've even seen.

She has an amazingly high-pitched voice, and you wish she'd clam up. She thinks you're just being shellfish, and looks like she wants to whale on you.

You manage to sneak up on her.

Opponent Level Information

Opponent Level:

Power Level:

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:


Combat Messages





  • The Demo Location is no longer open to adventure in. This encounter is no longer available.


  • 'Motion in the Ocean' is the name of a 2006 album by McFly
  • Amidst all the sealife puns, the name of the enemy is a portmanteau of 'Rock Star' and 'Lobster'
  • Homage to B-52's Rock Lobster and the look/Hairdo is to the B52's Cindy Wilson.

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