Probably milk

Revision as of 21:38, 19 July 2009 by Spiff (talk | contribs)

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Otherwise known (to some) as "moo juice", this is probably pretty much your standard milk. Well standard for 20 years ago, I mean these days there's low-fat, no-fat, skim, soy, long-life, powdered, fortified, etc, etc, etc. This is plain old full-fat probably cow milk.

Type: drink
Autosell value: 18
Turns on use: 3-5
Intoxication on use: {{{intoxication}}}
Bladder: 2

Cannot be be discarded
Can be be autosold
Can be be traded
Can be be stored

Plural: cartons of probably milk

Obtained From

When Consumed

You drink the probably milk and instantly wish you'd had some cookies to dunk in it.



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