Bear bum bum-battering bat

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You don't actually want to think about the original purpose of this... thing. It looks just perfect for hitting stuff really hard – let's leave it at that.

Type: weapon (Melee)
Class: Club
Hands: 2
Attack: 15
Cost of TP on use: N/A
Damage Type: Physical
Autosell value: 30

Cannot be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be stored
Can be traded

Outfit name: N/A

Plural: ?
Bonus: none or none yet

Obtained From

When Used In Combat

Successful Attack(s):

  • You barbarically bat them in the bum (or bum-equivalent) for X damage.
  • You blow, blow, blow him down and gently hear him scream; merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily because of the X damage you just dealt.
  • Step one: Hit it! Step two: ???? Step three: Pain! – equivalent to X damage, to be exact!

Missed Attack(s):

  • You try to batter your opponent's bum, but he/she just won't be battered like that.
  • Step one: Cut a hole in the bat. No wait, that's not right. While you're repairing the hole you just made, you lose your opportunity to hit your opponent.

Fumble Message(s):

  • Your heavy bear bum bum battering bat falls out of your weak grip and bruises your toes for X damage.



One of the attack messages is a reference to the song "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"


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