Difference between revisions of "Six banana-wielding monkeys"

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(added stats, minor notes: subpoints based on brawn weapon would explain the 3 instead of a 2.)
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*You acquire an item: [[banana]]
*You acquire an item: [[banana]]
'''Stats:''' 4-6 subpoints gained per combat
*You gain X [[brawn]] [[subpoints]]
*You gain 2-3 [[brawn]] [[subpoints]]
*You gain X [[brains]] [[subpoints]]
*You gain 1-2 [[brains]] [[subpoints]]
*You gain X [[bravado]] [[subpoints]]
*You gain 1-2 [[bravado]] [[subpoints]]
== Notes ==
== Notes ==

Revision as of 14:31, 26 July 2009

Spade.jpg This page needs spading.




In an effort to increase the amount of time the scientists had for doing "science" instead of making tasty beverages and snacks, DQS management thought it would be a good idea to train monkeys to make them instead. Unfortunately, and somewhat predictably, the monkeys are bored with that and want to do something a whole lot more exciting. Right now, the most exciting thing they can think of is to hurt you. Badly.

They're armed with bananas. Well, seriously, what else is a monkey going to wield? Other than the tiny daggers in their off-hands.

No one ever imagined such a thing. No sane person, anyway.

Opponent Level Information

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:

Combat Messages

Initiative Message(s):

  • Undeterred by the ridiculous notion of being beaten up with a banana, you get the jump.

Successful Attack(s):

Failed Attack(s):

  • Instead of attacking you, they unexpectedly decide to build a simian pyramid.
  • Your opponent would hit you but they're far too busy hanging back, drinking coffee and telling jokes.
  • Your opponents wield their bananas menacingly in your direction only to discover that the fruit has been eaten and their bananas are limp.



Stats: 4-6 subpoints gained per combat


  • This opponent was reintroduced into the game on July 19th, 2009 in the DQS Kitchens area.
  • The Demo Location is no longer open to adventure in. This encounter is no longer available.
  • Prior to July 19th, 2009, the image for this encounter was as follows:
Bananmon Old.png


  • "No one ever imagined such a thing. No sane person, anyway" is a quote from the film Twelve Monkeys
  • The bit about off-hand switchblades may be a reference to monkey knife-fighting, as seen in The Simpsons episode "The Mansion Family".

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