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== References ==
== References ==
*Tunnel attack is a reference to the cartoon character "Wile E. Coyote".
*Tunnel attack is a reference to the cartoon character, "Wile E. Coyote".
*"Beam me up" is a reference to Star Trek.
*"Beam me up" is a reference to Star Trek.
*ROMANES EUNT DOMUS is a reference to Monty Python, Life of Brian.
== Collection ==
== Collection ==

Revision as of 14:34, 28 March 2014

Spade.jpg This page needs spading.



With such an instrument of art, there are so many options. You could find a hippy camp and slap up a quick, "Beam me up!", or you could head down to the cove and treat the side of a building to a classy and stylish, "ROMANES EUNT DOMUS."

Who are you kidding? You find the nearest overpass and masterfully scribe, "I wuz 'ere". Yep, u wuz.

Actually, this looks like it could be pretty useful, given the right situation.

Type: weapon (ranged)
Class: projectile
Hands: 1
Attack: 5
Cost of TP on use:
Damage Type: Physical
Autosell value: 6

Can be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be stored
Can be traded

Outfit name: ?

Plural: ?
Bonus: N/A

Obtained From

When Used In Combat

Successful Attack:

  • You tag your opponent as if he were the side of a train. He takes X damage and your artwork will be admired everywhere he travels.
  • You spray a highly realistic image of a tunnel onto a nearby wall and quickly duck into it. Your opponent tries to follow you, taking a highly amusing X damage from the resulting impact. That was really wiley of you!
  • Like a spy sneaking past a closed-circuit camera, you spray your opponent directly in the eyes (or what passes for them). He takes X damage.

Missed Attack:

  • You shake your can of spray paint and hear the rattling noise, causing a flashback to the time you were a child and the family dentist was arrested for selling kids' teeth for profit. You ponder the probability and become so unnerved that you forget to press the nozzle.

Fumble Message:

  • As you prepare your attack, you notice the warning label on the side of the paint can that reads, "DO NOT PUNCTURE OR INCINERATE". For some reason, it seems to you like a good idea to find out why not. One word: BOOM! You take 2 damage. Idiot.



  • Tunnel attack is a reference to the cartoon character, "Wile E. Coyote".
  • "Beam me up" is a reference to Star Trek.
  • ROMANES EUNT DOMUS is a reference to Monty Python, Life of Brian.


Jinxsta - 1337 | LordCretin - 500 | CommanderMack - 107 | Gurps - 12 | Zammorak - 1 | Dirxcec - 1 | unknownZ - 1

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