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*[[Image:coldchisel.png]] You acquire an item: [[cold chisel]] '''( ?% )'''
*[[Image:coldchisel.png]] You acquire an item: [[cold chisel]] '''( ?% )'''
*You gain X [[brawn]] [[subpoints]]
*You gain 1-2 [[brawn]] [[subpoints]]
*You gain X [[brains]] [[subpoints]]
*You gain 1-2 [[brains]] [[subpoints]]
*You gain X [[bravado]] [[subpoints]]
*You gain 1-2 [[bravado]] [[subpoints]]
== Notes ==
== Notes ==

Revision as of 15:30, 3 March 2009

Spade.jpg This page needs spading.




Usually found on the banks of the Bow River (wherever that may be) this tree exhibits a three day growth of bright flaming leaves. And they're not just red, this baby's on fire. You think about shouting goodbye and catching the last train out of there but before you can, it sees you standing on the outside looking in.

Opponent Level Information

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:


Combat Messages

Initiative message(s):

  • Apparently the tree thinks you got nothing it wants, and you get in the first attack.

Jumped message(s):

  • The bright flaminess of its leaves blinds you, like a weary driver, leaving it free to attack you first!

Hit message(s):

  • It distracts you by attempting to tell you a bunch of big lies, and while you're suitably distracted it belts you across the <Body parts> for 5 HOT DAMAGE!
  • The first thing it does when you get into range, is try to cut you down with 22 of its branches, smacking you square in the <Body parts> for 5 HOT DAMAGE!

Miss message(s):

  • It tries to attack you, but you feel it going for the heat, babe, and duck out of the way.
  • It tries to attack, but finds it so hard to do.






  • Immune to fire damage


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