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== References ==
== References ==
This is in reference to the film 'Dawn of the Dead'

Revision as of 10:57, 24 January 2009


Well, this movie is certainly something completely different. Fortunately, you not only happen to enjoy a gory zombie movie now and then, but you also find Briddish humor quite amusing. This, of course, puzzles all of your friends. Screw 'em. You settle into your seat to enjoy the film.

This is the epic story of four friends who, at the onset, are together at a television station. John, Michael, Eric and Dingo (Michael's girlfriend), watch in horror as news begins pouring in of a strange disease which has sprung up across the globe. Cities are being overrun by hordes of the slow-moving victims of this plague. Once infected, these poor souls begin to rot and decay and are shunned by humanity, despite their assertions that they are, in fact, not dead.

As the station is invaded by these shambling creatures who thirst for human blood, the four friends escape via helicopter. Good thing there was a training manual in the passenger seat! They set off across country and just before running out of fuel, manage to locate a deserted shopping mall in Glencoeville, where they barricade themselves in and set up an anarcho-syndicalist commune. While the zombie hordes of not-dead gather outside, they indulge their every consumerist whim until they are forced to re-think their position when Eric confronts their currently elected executive officer. "I don't wanna nitpick, John, but is this really your plan? Spend your whole life locked inside a mall?"

Predictably, the mall is finally breached and John and Eric both snuff it when they discover that their logical reasoning which had led them to believe the only way to kill the zombies was to drown them was obviously flawed. Turns out, you just have to shoot 'em in the head.

The final scene is a bit confusing. You've been lead to believe that Michael and Dingo were sure to take their own lives rather than become infected but, apparently, that was a bit too much of a downer for the editors and the film ends abruptly with the local constabulary barging in and wheeling out the zombies on wooden carts while the zombies continue to make their case for being alive.

You look at the cinema patron to your left in confusion but he is simply shaking his head and muttering, "Ni".





This movie played all day on Halloween 2008


This is in reference to the film 'Dawn of the Dead'

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