Plastic clip-on earring

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Revision as of 16:28, 27 April 2014 by Cowboy (talk | contribs)
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As with all cracker prizes, this earring is nothing more than a novelty. It's the pinnacle of grade-school fashion, but It's certainly not the kind of thing that you would wear to a movie premier or a gala event. That probably won't stop you from trying it on though. It really is very "you."

Type: accessory
Defence: 5
Autosell value: N/A

Can be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be traded
Can be stored

Outfit name: ? / n/a

Plural: ?
Bonus: Restore +2 HP per turn

Obtained From




CommanderMack - 3 | LadyDelilah - 1 | BeastyClaire - 1 | unknownZ - 1 | SodaFett - 1 | Grokly - 1 | LordCretin - 1 | Diarmuid - 1

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