Master miner

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You always thought meeting one of the notorious Paradox underground bosses would be epic. You envisioned a guy in an expensive suit smoking embargoed cigars. But this? Well I guess this works too. The mining gear isn't as sharp as an expensive suit but your faith in his underground capabilities is restored by the fact that he's trying to give you the hard goodbye.

Opponent Level Information

Opponent Level:

Power Level:

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:

Combat Messages

Initiative Message(s):

  • He pauses to laugh maniacally in your general direction which gives you enough time to get the jump.

Successful Attack(s):

  • He fixes you with an intense, hypnotic stare and then tells you to hit yourself repeatedly in the ear, which you do for X DAMAGE! He is, after all, the master, and you must obey.
  • Your opponent invites you to say hello to his little friend, whereupon you are immediately kicked in the shin by a minor miner for X DAMAGE!
  • Your opponent yells "BLUE THIRTY-TWO!" A door opens behind you and forty miners come through it and chop block you for X DAMAGE!

Failed Attack(s):

  • He raises his hand and appears to try to crush your wind pipe using some kind invisible force and then realises he's not that kind of master. Just a pretentious douchebag.






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