Betentacled horror from outer space

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In Paradox University, this eldritch horror is turned horribly mad and ends his days raving because of YOU! Obviously you intruded on its tea-time.

Your face scares it into submission. You get the jump on it.

Combat Messages

Successful Attack:

  • It tried to pour scalding hot tea over you, but misses and just hurls the empty cup at you instead, causing 4 DAMAGE!

Miss Messages:

  • It's briefly distracted by a guy stepping through a dimensional portal. It forgets to hit you while it eats him.
  • It listens to your excuses, answers "Oh R'lyeh?" and then ignores you completely.

Fumble Messages:

  • It tries to drag you off into its mad dreamworld, but you don't go with strangers. Unless they offer you candy first.






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