Kamikaze flying squirrel

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What happens when a little squirrel gets hold of a little plane and spends a little too much time watching old war movies? He goes a little crazy, that's what.

Looks like this particular crazy squirrel either thinks you're after his nuts, or has mistaken you for Pearl Harbor.

Opponent Level Information

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:


Combat Messages

Initiative message(s):

While the squirrel buzzes angrily around your head, chattering unintelligibly, you decide to take matters into your own hands and attack him first.

Jumped message(s):

With a high-pitched scream of "BANZAIIIII!" the squirrel starts to attack you. Unfortunately, he neglected to spell it, so you're busily searching for miniature trees while he launches his attack.

Hit message(s):

He shrieks something unintelligible, but follows it up with "AAIIEE!" (so you know he really means it), before crashing his tiny plane right into your <Body parts> and causing you n DAMAGE!

Swooping low over your head, the squirrel drops what looks to be an acorn directly on your <Body parts>. Apparently this acorn has a little something special in the middle, because it explodes on contact, causing you n DAMAGE!

Miss message(s):

He attempts to fly his little plane into your <Body parts>, but misses by a clear foot. Understandable, really, there's not much opportunity to practice in his line of work.







  • The 'jumped' message refers to Bonzai, which are miniature tress, and sounds like 'Banzai!' (translation: May the Emperor Live 10,000 Years)

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