Garbage-gathering rodent

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A scuffling noise reaches your ears and you follow the sound to a nearby carnival tent which has obviously seen better days. Moving around under the canvas is a fairly large lump, and you decide that it would be great fun to poke it with a stick!

You do, and out from under the canvas comes a man-sized, thoroughly irritated, bipedal rodent clutching a couple of pawfuls of garbage.

It started off fun, but now... well, watch out for your eyes. We don't want this to become hilarious.

Opponent Level Information

Opponent Level:

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:

Combat Messages

Initiative Message(s):

  • It dithers around looking for something to hit you with but it can't seem to make good use of the things that it finds. You get the jump!

Successful Attack(s):

  • It stabs at you with some garbage it's collected, which surprisingly does X DAMAGE!

Failed Attack(s):

  • Instead of attacking you, it finds some rubbish and makes it into something new, because that's what these things do!
  • He rummages through some old newspaper scraps, trying to find the perfect word to describe the myriad ways in which he intends to hurt you. Unfortunately he can't read, and so is unable to find anything suitable.
  • It spots some potentially useful litter and trundles it away, completely missing its chance to attack you.






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