Half-chewed towel

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Revision as of 18:08, 4 December 2008 by Spiff (talk | contribs)
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This towel was once a predinner snack for a goa.. unicorn. There is still enough of it left to wind it up and flick someone with.

Type: weapon (melee)
Class: towel
Hands: 1
Attack: 30
Cost of TP on use: N/A
Damage Type: Physical damage
Autosell value: 32

Can be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be stored
Can be traded

Outfit name:

Plural: unknown
Bonus: none or not yet known

Obtained From

Combat Messages

Failed Attack:

  • You wrap your towel around your head in the hope that your opponent won't be able to see you, but you completely forget about the whole "you can't see her either" thing, and end up hitting nothing but air.
  • You wind up and flick the towel with a resounding SNAP! Unfortunately that SNAP was the sound of the towel hitting you in the bum for 3 damage!




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