Syntho Pop

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Revision as of 21:53, 24 May 2014 by Cowboy (talk | contribs)
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Some kind of nasty, orange-flavoured, fizzy drink. Well, artificially orange-flavoured anyway. I'm pretty sure none of the ingredients are oranges.

Type: drink
Autosell value: 5
Turns on use: 1-3
Intoxication on use: N/A
Bladder: 2

Cannot be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be traded
Can be stored

Plural: Cans of Syntho Pop

Drop Location

When Consumed

You drink the Syntho Pop, SLURRRP




Vending Machine Sodas:
8-Down Lemonade / Brown Cow Energy Drink / Buck's Fizz / Doctor Pfeffer / Fizzygood / Pixie Cola / Syntho Pop



Jinxsta - 1337 | LordCretin - 500 | OinkOink08 - 333 | Rapthorne - 39 | pyroanarchist - 32 | underscore - 32 | guymansir - 31 | stone5150 - 25 | Arikel - 22 | buddy - 17

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