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Revision as of 05:22, 5 September 2008 by Jupider (talk | contribs) (Added a message.)
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As you wander around aimlessly, you encounter a jogger who seems annoyed to find you blocking his path. You can see he's at the peak of physical fitness. For a jogger anyway.. You know, scrawny arms, shin splints, fallen arches, even a mild case of jogger's nipple. What a jerk!

He doesn't look like he's going to be too much trouble.

Combat Messages

Initiative message(s):

He shouts at you angrily, and starts waving his arms about, but isn't used to all that upper-body activity and has to pause for minute to recover.

Jumped message(s):

He shouts at you angrily - something about failing to beat his "personal best" - and lunges toward you.

Hit message(s):

He swings his arm wildly and hits you in the mouth, causing n DAMAGE! What a jerk!

He sissy-punches you in the <bodypart> for 2 DAMAGE! Jerk!

Miss message(s):

He flails his arms wildly at your nose but misses like the jerk that he is.

He tries to attack you, but hasn't quite got his breath back, so he doubles over wheezing "healthily" instead. Jerk.




Hypershirt.png You acquire an item: super-duper-hyper-color t-shirt ( ?% )

Jogshorts.png You acquire an item: ridiculously loose shorts ( ?% )

Fncyshoe.png You acquire an item: fancy jogging shoes ( ?% )

Moolah.png You gain 11-12 moolah


You gain 1-4 brawn, brains, and bravado



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