Oh no you di'n't!

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This are all the messages you get when you try to do something you really can't do.


Trying to buy something from yourself

You can't buy stuff from yourself. What a preposterous hypothesis! Did Steve tell you you could do that?

Trying to over drink

Drinking that would be a bad idea. Your bladder might go pop!

Trying to over eat

You can't fit that into your stomach.

Trying to use a device when your out of Technology Points (TP)

You don't have enough Technology Points to use this device!

Not selecting an item to buy

You need to select an item to buy first!

Buying something you can't afford

You can't afford that.

Buying zero or nothing of something in a NPC store

You need to tell me how many you'd like to buy!

Buying negative zero of something in a NPC store

Don't be silly. You can't buy zero of something. Well, you can, but what's the point?

Buying negative one or lower of something in a NPC store

How can you possibly buy a negative number of something?

Trying to generate more than three random jokes per day

Despite much fiddling on your behalf, the device stubbornly refuses to do anything.

Perhaps it's had enough for one day?


Did Steve tell you could do that is a possible reference to Steve Sawyer who told every one about hope and everything was possible.


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