Ball of dull coloured wool

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A sort of muddy-brown-coloured wool that may once upon a time have been white, but which has been in the mud so long that its true colour is lost to the mists of time.

Type: combat item
Autosell value: 20

Cannot be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be traded
Can be stored

Plural: balls of dull coloured wool

Obtained From

When Used in Combat

Successful Attack:

  • You roll the ball of wool towards your opponent, who is apparently easily distracted and spends several minutes chasing it around on the ground. While your opponent is occupied, you sneak up and kick it hard for (X) DAMAGE.

Failed Attack:




McFeisty - 132 | MsFeisty - 39 | Rakkasan - 26 | CommanderMack - 9 | DiaGeous - 8 | Seir - 5 | LadyDelilah - 4 | underscore - 3 | Rapthorne - 2 | HolderofSecrets - 1

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