
From ParadoxWiki
Revision as of 12:44, 29 August 2008 by Spiff (talk | contribs) (Rollover moved to Intermission)
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Every day, at midnight, Paradox time (03:30 MST/MDT (Mountain Standard Time / Mountain Daylight Time)), the game servers are taken offline to perform a number of maintenance tasks as follows:

  • Create a full backup of the database
  • Increase day counters
  • Increase all players' turns by 50 (to a maximum of 250)
  • Reset daily statistics (food/drink consumption, mining permit, device operations etc.)
  • Select new items for leaderboards
  • Delete old chat messages (more than 2 days old)

At present this takes only a few seconds, but any players who are logged on at the time will need to log on again once rollover is complete.



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