Probably-meat cheeseburger

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A pretty standard cheeseburger really. Just like a normal burger, only cheesy.

Type: food
Autosell value: 40
Turns on use: 6
Fullness: 2

Cannot be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be traded
Can be stored

Plural: probably-meat cheeseburgers


Ingredients: 1 probably-meat patty 1 sesame-seed bun 1 slice of processed cheese
Result: Probably-meat cheeseburger

Obtained From

When Used

You eat the probably-meat cheeseburger Num num num!




The word cheesy may mean corny. But it also means subtle or inauthentic. It suggests that the burger is cheesy of its probably-meat patty.


OinkOink08 - 333 | cowboy - 52 | McFeisty - 17 | BeastyClaire - 10 | Diarmuid - 1 | HolderofSecrets - 1 | unknownZ - 1

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