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== References ==
== References ==
*The durian is a fruit that reportedly smells like shit but tastes good (to some). The "people that consider this a delicacy that are full of stuff not unlike this" references the fact that it they're "full of shit."
== Collection ==
== Collection ==

Latest revision as of 15:54, 4 December 2014

Spade.jpg This page needs spading.



Some people claim to consider the durian to be a delicacy, however based on the intense odour emanating from this spiky fruit, you imagine those people must either be anosmic, certifiably insane, or full of stuff that smells not unlike this.

Type: food
Autosell value: 60
Turns on use: ?
Fullness: ?

yes be discarded
yes be autosold
yes be traded
yes be stored

Plural: durians

Obtained From

When Consumed

You pinch your nostrils closed and munch away in a serious test of your enduriance.



  • Durian is located in the misspelling of endurance found in the consumption message.


  • The durian is a fruit that reportedly smells like shit but tastes good (to some). The "people that consider this a delicacy that are full of stuff not unlike this" references the fact that it they're "full of shit."


LordCretin - 50 | Gurps - 31 | CommanderMack - 30 | Spiff - 30 | guymansir - 29 | Babbins - 19 | unknownZ - 1

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