Bear bum

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As if by some cosmic mandate, you run into a bear. A very smelly bear. In fact, one might say he's a bum among bears. Not a bum bear, but a bear bum, who will not only nick your pick-a-nick basket, but who will also take whatever moolah you have and beat you senseless (not to mention snotless).

Opponent Level Information

Opponent Level:

Power Level:

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:


Combat Messages

Initiative message(s):

  • This one may be smarter than your average bear, but let's face it, the average bear is pretty thick. He doesn't see you coming.
  • You attempt to sneak up on him, but the noisy bells you're wearing and the general smell of pepper alert him to your presence, and he gets the jump on you.

Hit message(s):

  • He batters you in the bum with his bear bum bum battering bat. Badly. For X DAMAGE!
  • He picks you up, dumps you head-first into a nearby waste bin, then throws you into the conveniently close river (now complete with white-water rapids and waterfall!). You're shaken and bruised for X DAMAGE!
  • He greedily gobbles the contents of a pick-a-nick basket, showering you with ballistic scraps for X DAMAGE!
  • Though no light is emitted from the rather grimy smiley-face painted on his belly, his stare scares you to the bone. You pee in your pants (or pants equivalent, or pantslessness if you�re thus inclined), while your pride takes X DAMAGE!

Miss message(s):

  • You point out that "Rear Bear Stare" is not an appropriate way to attack anyone.
  • Just as he's about to attack you, a mouse with a funny accent runs out and tells the bear bum what a bum he is. He's too ashamed to attack you.
  • He scratches his bum. His bare bum. His bare bear bum bum. And the bear bum doesn't bum you. Er... hit.




Stats: 6-12 subpoints gained per combat.



  • Being smarter than your average bear is a reference to Yogi Bear.
  • "Though no light is emitted from the rather grimy smiley-face painted on his belly, his stare scares you to the bone." and "Rear Bear Stare" is a reference to the Care Bears, and the Care Bear Stare.

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