Forty miners

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You know how in martial arts movies the bad guys all dance around the good guy and attack one at a time? Well, none of these guys knows martial arts. They do, however, appear to recognise you as the good guy and are finalising their formation to start attacking you.

Opponent Level Information

Opponent Level:

Power Level:

Attack Rating:

Defence Rating:

Combat Messages

Initiative Message(s):

  • Before they can finish organising themselves, you get the jump on them.

Successful Attack(s):

  • Your opponents position themselves in a way that wouldn't look out of place in the Farguian Ballet Company. The lead miner encourages you to leap into his arms, which you foolishly attempt to do. At the last second he pulls his arms away and you fall flat on your knee for X DAMAGE! Psych!
  • One of them steps up to you with a shiny brass lamp. You wait expectantly to see what happens when he rubs it, but instead he clobbers you in the face with it. You take X DAMAGE!
  • In all the confusion, your actions are neither light nor fairy-like. You fail to watch what you're doing and fall headlong into a cavern in a nearby canyon. You're neither lost nor gone forever, but you do take X DAMAGE!

Failed Attack(s):

  • They form two lines and encourage you to run the gauntlet. Their plan is thwarted however when you simply refuse to run.
  • They lay out a "magic carpet" over a hole to try to trap you. Luckily, only three of them know about the plan though and the rest simply fall in when trying to go for a magic carpet ride. Seems these guys were just born to be stupid.

Special Attack?:

  • They line up in a nickel defense package and one of the linebackers charges straight at you. Luckily, he's called for being offside and slapped with a penalty. Go Team!

You gain 5 HP

Well, you would have if you'd needed it. You don't so you gain X HP instead. (With less than 5 missing)






One reference for the name of this encounter is the football team the San Francisco 49ers. The part of the description that states "finalising their formation" supports this.

Another reference for the name of this encounter is the forty-niners, who were the gold-seekers during the California Gold Rush.

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