Annoying tourist

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You're approached by an overweight middle-aged man and his utterly unappealing wife, who are both wearing matching loud shirts and fanny-packs and who seem to be thoroughly lost. He takes out a phrasebook and proceeds to ask you loudly, slowly and annoyingly HOW... TO... GET... TO... BUS... STATION.

You stare at him blankly.

He pulls a phrasebook from his fanny pack and tries again... "Hovercraft minn er fullur af friði?"

Clearly, this guy isn't from around here.

Combat Messages

Jump Message:

  • You realise that helping lost tourists is part of your "civic duty", but you're not feeling particularly civic today and think that "duty" is only a word that sounds a bit dirty if you say it just right. Basically, you don't care and feel like beating up on this fool is going to be a lot more fun. You get the jump.

Successful Attack(s):

  • Your opponent shouts something at you in Farguian, which you don't understand but which apparently means "I'm going to kick you in the bum now for X DAMAGE". At least, that's what happens immediately afterwards.

Missed Attack(s):

  • Realising that they are both on holiday, it's only fair that the tourist's wife has a go at you as well. She takes off her fanny pack and swings it wildly at you, but it fails to pack any sort of punch, in your fanny or anywhere else. Seems it's on a roamin' holiday.
  • Your opponent begins to attack, but you quickly point out an interesting sight in the nearby vicinity and he pauses to take a photograph instead.
  • Your opponent prepares to pounce on you, when a roving immigration officer strolls up and starts asking questions about passports. Your opponent immediately pretends to be somewhere else. Pretty convincingly, too.





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