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Four chocolate-coated, finger-sized wafers in a handy package that tastes alright, looks like nothing particularly special, yet seems to be inexplicably popular in internet videos.

Type: food
Autosell value: 50
Turns on use: ?
Fullness: ?

no be discarded
yes be autosold
yes be traded
yes be stored

Plural: KuteKat bars

Obtained From

When Consumed

You munch away smugly on your KuteKat bar and feel vaguely superior to munchers of other, shinier, arguably more popular bars. Oh, give me a break!

Effects: Intellectully Superior




  • References the Kit Kat. The company has a lot of ads.


LordCretin - 60 | guymansir - 32 | CommanderMack - 30 | Gurps - 28 | Spiff - 22 | Babbins - 20 | unknownZ - 1

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