Ridiculously loose shorts

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Revision as of 16:39, 1 December 2009 by Spiff (talk | contribs)
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A short, loose pair of soft shorts, ostensibly designed for jogging, but which require you to keep your legs together at all times when sitting down.

Type: shorts
Defence: 12
Autosell value: 12

Cannot be discarded
Can be autosold
Can be traded
Can be stored

Outfit name: Jogger's Getup (And Go)

Plural: pairs of ridiculously loose shorts
Bonus: N/A

Obtained From



  • If you are wearing loose shorts and you sit down, often times your privates can be seen.


LordCretin - 500 | CommanderMack - 120 | INVISIBLE - 106 | MsFeisty - 100 | Josiah - 94 | underscore - 69 | Right2Wrong2000 - 57 | BeastyClaire - 35 | Babbins - 26 | DiaGeous - 23

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