Small box of raisins

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Revision as of 13:21, 25 December 2009 by Spiff (talk | contribs)
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What is it with people? For some reason, someone always thinks that giving out some sort of crappy fruit on holidays is a good idea. Oh well, it could have been worse. At least it's not a half-rotten orange.

Type: food
Autosell value: N/A
Turns on use: ?
Fullness: ?

Cannot be be discarded
Cannot be be autosold
Can be be traded
Can be be stored

Plural: ?

Obtained From

When Consumed







CommanderMack - 6 | Zammorak - 3 | CeruleanArcher - 2 | Rakkasan - 2 | SodaFett - 2 | jupider - 1 | Grokly - 1 | guymansir - 1 | Diarmuid - 1 | WooHooToo - 1

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