Tiny bottle of bourbon

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With one of these, one scotch, and one beer, you'd totally be set to drink alone. And when you drink alone, you prefer to be by yourself.

Type: drink
Autosell value: 5
Turns on use: ?2?
Intoxication on use: 5
Bladder: 1

can be discarded
can be autosold
can be traded
can be stored

Plural: Tiny bottles of bourbon

Obtained From

When Consumed

With one of these, one scotch, and one beer, you'd totally be set to drink alone. And when you drink alone, you prefer to be by yourself.


Effects: None



Tiny Bottles of Liquor Drinks:
Tiny bottle of rum / Tiny bottle of vodka / Tiny bottle of tequila / Tiny bottle of bourbon / Tiny bottle of scotch / Tiny bottle of gin



LordCretin - 100 | CeruleanArcher - 58 | Gurps - 5 | unknownZ - 1

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