Paradox History: 2009

Revision as of 11:30, 25 May 2009 by Elusis (talk | contribs)

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This page shows everything that happened in 2009.

January 1st

  • Recipe, Equipment and Inbuilt Outfit listboxes will now show a wiki link (if you have the option enabled) as requested by... somebody or other. As always, refresh your browser to update the javascript and let me know if there are any bugs.
  • Since everyone calls them "Quests" anyway, "Tasks" are once again known as "Quests". Refresh your browser to update the menu bar.

January 2nd

  • Slight modifications to Inventory pages layout which means that people lucky enough to have wide screens probably won't have to scroll as much. In related news: CSS guru wanted to make the top of the equipment page look nicer.
  • You know those links I mentioned earlier? They're on the mail and trade pages now too. FOR GREAT HANDINESS!
  • Whaddya know? Turns out those links work when you combine or buy stuff, too. That just about doubles the amount of handy.
  • Whenever you acquire items through adventuring, they should show use/equip/eat/drink/etc. links. Handy, or what?

January 3rd

  • Since this weekend's focus is stuff that's handy, have some more. There's some extra (and handy) info on various inventory pages, and there are some handy-dandy noteb... er, "Select All" buttons on the Autosell Stuff page. Blue would be happy.

January 4th

  • Email confirmation is now required if you want to change your email address. For security reasons. Because, sure you care.

January 5th

  • Several small updates: Any updates you haven't read are now shown on the overview and main map pages. Which you've probably already noticed. Also, as per player requests, there's a "send a trade offer" link on player profiles and autosell has been vaguely randomised. You'll know it when you see it.

January 7th

  • Since it's really really tedious, and mostly pointless, you don't have to anything for von Noob after you reset. Seriously. Try it and see.
  • The adventure queue system has been completly rewritten, which should significantly cut down on the number of repeated encounters. Hopefully without breaking anything else. Let me know if there are any problems.

January 9th

  • Radio Free Xangaka is officially Paradox City's offical radio station. Click the Radio link in your Misc menu or head over to the Paradox Forums for more information.

January 23rd

  • MILESTONE! Stroby's added Paradox links to his Bookmarks Toolbar Folder! How exciting!

January 25th

  • A new and exciting store has opened in the Moolah Rouge Mall. Much more exciting than, for example, this announcement. Go see Burt for all your awardy goodness.
  • Addendum to the previous update: Some players may already have done things that would qualify for an award but may still not be able to obtain the award without doing it again. Sorry, some things weren't being tracked before. Lynch me if you like.

January 27th

  • There are three new awards available. No, I'm not telling you what they are, but it might give a little hint if I tell you that the fight mechanics have been modified slightly in terms of how stat gains are distributed across Brawn, Brains and Bravado. Or maybe that'll just confuse you. Have fun :)

January 29th

  • The adventure queue has been significantly tweaked, and should now be giving a better "random" adventure selection than actual random numbers. Go figure. Let me know if there are any problems.
  • Chat command error messages have been extended to make them more user-friendly. Isn't that sweet?

January 31st

  • It's only taken me about a year to get back to it, but Inventory sections now have links to the various subsections at the top, to cut down on scrolling. Let me know if you want to see them anywhere else.

February 8th

  • Resetters Beware! We're currently in the process of making some fairly significant changes to the way reset works, which you should expect to see in the VERY near future. Leaderboards WILL be archived, and there are a number of other related changes that will make a difference to how you approach Reset. One of these changes will affect how certain devices are treated when you Reset. If you have any of the rarer Devices out on loan, I suggest you get them back asap.
  • Fixed a small calculation error in the fastest quest leaderboards. Sorry about that.
  • I've just been advised by Candy that she's rapidly running out of Infinite Rolls of TP. She says they expect to run out by the weekend, but there's some new stock (of something different) on its way to replace it. Just thought you'd like to know.

February 9th

  • In a few minutes, I'm going to start uploading a huge bunch of changes related to the Reset mechanic. There should be no downtime, but you MAY notice some quirks, so I strongly advise you stop adventuring until the changes are complete. I will be in chat before and right through the update, so if you have any questions, go right ahead and ask.
  • *PHEW* Ok the update is complete, and everyone should be fine to keep adventuring and test the hell out of the latest changes. That's what alpha is all about after all. If anyone has lost anything in the update, please pmail me with as many details as you can provide. Please note, insurance only covers real losses, not made up ones.
  • One of the updates made today is concerning the way items show up when you acquire them, and there were some display problems in some (quite a few) places. I've fixed most of them but there are a few remaining that I'm working on. The problem is purely a display issue and has no effect on gameplay whatsoever.
  • OK, so far as I can tell the display issues are sorted. Let me know if you find any more.
  • Just a reminder to all players that, if they have a theory on how to exploit "loopholes" in the new reset system, they should discuss it with someone on the dev team before attempting to exploiting it. That's how "alpha" testing works. Anything else is risking account deletion.

February 10th

  • Due to an overabundance of idiocy and an underabundance of flaming genius, the /flamewars chat channel has been disbanded. Probably permanently. For further information, go to /flamewars.

February 11th

  • While reset restrictions are in force, Moolah from anything bought in your store will now go straight to your stash. You know, like the warning says it will. Thanks (and a shiny new bug zapper) to Invisible for bringing this and a similar store-related bug/oversight to my attention.

February 12th

  • Another small bug related to resets (thanks again Invisible!) - New players are unintentionally subjected to the same restrictions as players who have reset, which is NOT intentional. I'll fix it as soon as I get home. Stupid work firewalls.

February 13th

  • Ant gear items are no longer able to be stored or kept in quantities greater than one due to a potential issue with reset restrictions (think about it). If you had more than one of any of these in your backpack, or any in storage, these extras are gone now.

February 14th

  • Intermission tonight will almost certainly be slightly longer than normal (like maybe 30 minutes) while we roll out some new content.
  • There's a new store in the mall, and Candy's opened a new box of Token Gear goodness. Go get em, tigers! PS. Happy Valentine's Day!

February 16th

  • /flamewars is back. Rules are simple: No "You're gay" jokes. No "Your mom" jokes. Don't be boring.
  • Additional /flamewars rule: When the war's getting boring, stop it.

February 18th

  • UnknownZ has cleverly pointed out that there are circumstances in which the new store could be used to generate an infinite amount of moolah, albeit in a very time-consuming and not-necessarily-reliable way. Bug fixed, zapper sent. Thanks, Z :)

February 22nd

  • The City's Timekeepers have discovered a fairly serious anomaly with the calendar we've been using, which resulted in us losing 2 months a year for the past three Paradox years. Surprisingly, nobody noticed until now. Two months have been added back to the calendar (hooray for Oxtober and Goatember) and, oh yeah, it's 2009 again. This is all perfectly normal behaviour and nothing to worry about.
  • Just for Kosh's benefit, this update is completely packed with fun. You'll just have to trust me on that one.

February 23rd

  • The pocket calculator is now an offhand item instead of an accessory. If you had one equipped, it's in your backpack. If you had an outfit with one as an accessory, it's been changed. There's a good reason for it.

February 26th

  • Minor change to how the sidebar search thing works. If you're having any problems, refresh your browser.

March 1st

  • It's come to my attention that a code error has meant that Burt has been failing to correctly identify people who qualify for certain awards. I suggest anyone who's been trying to find them head back over to the mall and check. The junior programmer responsible has been fired.

March 14th

  • You can now view extended reset and consumption stats from your overview page - if that's the kind of thing you like. Also, chat will count how many characters you've typed, so you don't accidentally run out of room for your critical messages. There's other stuff too, but nothing important.

March 16th

  • St Patrick's Day content is in the works but may or may not be ready on time. We're doing our best but we can't guarantee anything. Apologies to the Irish.

March 17th

  • Well, what do you know? We made it! Happy St. Pat's day everyone :)

March 18th

  • Made some small changes to the way lists of items (mostly in stores) appear. It just looks... nicer.
  • Riley has left Paradox, taking with him a gigantic stack of shamrocks. By way of thanks, he's left everyone who helped him a little gift. Check your inventory.

March 19th

  • You can now "use another" or "use several more" of an item you just used/ate/drank/whatever, without needing to scroll down. Paradox! Proudly protecting Paracites from carpal tunnel syndrome (and exercise) since 2009.
  • Now you can enter how many turns you'd like to spend resting in your room. I wish I could do that in real life.

March 20th

  • I'm working on ways to make various bits of text tidier. If you see any changes, that'll be why. If you have strong opinions about the changes, let me know.

March 21st

  • Rainbow Springy is no longer listed as a "Consumable" item because, hey, it ain't consumable. There was also a slight bug with that item related to consumption stats, which I've fixed (thanks Invisible again) but it's not worth trying to correct the historical data. Trust me (he said with a wink and a nudge)

March 22nd

  • Due to the processor power required to generate them, leaderboards will now be generated once per day at intermission and displayed in game as a snapshot rather than being generated on-the-fly each time they're viewed.

March 23rd

  • Due to a permissions error (thanks Linux) the intermission script failed to run last night. I've run it manually and, by way of apology, given everyone an extra 50 turns to play with. Sorry about that, folks!

March 24th

  • "Invisible: Everyone it's now my fault." Any problems, you know who to speak to :)
  • If anyone finds the new image, please put it on the wiki so Mack knows which one I selected :)
  • CommanderMack has very kindly provided us with an image for the remaining adventure that was missing one. You know, because we did that on purpose and were just waiting for someone to help out. We really didn't forget. Thanks, Mack.

March 29th

  • For those who don't already know, Festive Spirit Dispensers will be removed from the Token Gear store very (VERY) soon to make room for something new. If you want to get one while you still can, now's the time to do it.

March 31st

  • A minor code change that turned major might mean there's a longer-than-normal intermission tonight. Shouldn't be more than 30 minutes.

April 1st

  • MrsORaptor has discovered and reported a rather nasty item dupe bug related to player stores. Needless to say, it's been fixed.

April 3rd

  • It's a couple of days late I know, but for those who tried to get some easy win on April 1st, there's a new sticker in your inventory. Yay!

April 6th

  • In the interests of proving we're actually doing stuff, have a map. No, it's not the one I was giving sneak previews of earlier. Feedback to the forums please.

April 8th

  • You can't multi-use non-multiusable items by cheating any more. Blame (or thank) Commandermack for bringing that to my attention.

April 9th

  • A small typo in some important code has caused all kinds of havoc with a couple of players' inventories today. For the most part, I believe this is fixed, however if you notice anything odd, please STOP doing whatever it was you were doing and report it through the Mail->Report a Bug link asap.

April 11th

  • Due to an infwux of wascawwy wabbits, Paradox officials have declared it "Wabbit Season". Go see the Wabbit Hunter in town for more information.

April 13th

  • Clumsy, ham-fisted oafs (you know who you are) will be pleased to know that the default value in the multi use popup box is now set to 1 instead of to whatever the maximum possible is.
  • Fixed a couple of bugs related to moolah transfer and item consumption. Stupid similarly-named variables.

April 14th

  • Thanks to the combined efforts of Pawacites, the Wabbit Pwague has been bwought under contwol... for now.

April 16th

  • Thanks to... well, "magic"... all "magic helmets" have disappeared from the city. Don't worry, you won't be needing them.
  • Server outage: Fixed? It looks like the hosting provider managed to fix everything, and we're back online. There's no obvious damage from the outage, but be vigilant and if you're absolutely certain something's wrong, send a bug report with as much information as possible and I'll do what I can to fix it for you.

April 24th

  • I'm about to start uploading a few changes which may cause the site (and particular chat) to go weird for a few minutes. If it does, it won't be long.
  • Updates completed. Paradox Chat is now at version 0.7.0 and there are a couple of new features that people have been asking for (chat macros and coloured chat channel names - check your Account-Options page). If you have ANY problems, particularly with chat, you should first try refreshing your browser to make sure you have the latest version of all files. If that fails, let me know.

April 25th

  • Minor bug in chat. Fixed in version 0.7.1.

April 29th

  • Added a bunch of new weapon combat messages thanks to jupider. If you have any suggestions for something you'd like to see in the game, please head to the forums. We're always on the lookout for new ideas

May 18th

  • Water balloons and in-a-bags are now flagged as consumable items, so they'll show up in your consumption history. For those who like that kind of thing.
  • A few new awards have been added, for which some people will almost certainly qualify immediately. Hooray!

May 19th

  • Several updates made today. Added notifications on change of respect (which will appear on the main page if you're not a chatter). Also added three new low-level equipment items and created an RSS feed for the updates.

May 23rd

  • Due to popular demand (well, a couple of polite requests), contact and ignore lists have been implemented. The ignore list functions are fully implemented, but the contact list stuff still needs some work to be useful. As usual, refresh your browser and chat to get the latest version of everything, and let me know if anything's broken.
  • Hint: Check your Account menu. Be sure to read the documentation for some important information.
  • The Paradox Conditions of Use have been updated. Specifically the section on Multi Abuse. Failure to read it is not an excuse for ignoring it so make sure you check it out at some stage.

May 25th

  • A select box has been added to new mail/trade messages so you can quickly select someone from your contacts.
  • Along with chat channels, you can now set a colour to be used for displaying messages from players on your Contact List. Refresh your browser so you get chat v0.7.4 to see the effect.
  • The "LOGON" and "CHAT STATUS" options in your contact list now do what they're supposed to do.
  • And so does the "RESET" option. Browser refresh to chat v0.7.5 might be required. Any problems, please report a bug.

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