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Revision as of 00:54, 6 November 2008 by DeepPurple (talk | contribs)
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Testing date template insert

2009: Recipe, Equipment and Inbuilt Outfit listboxes will now show a wiki link (if you have the option enabled) as requested by... somebody or other. As always, refresh your browser to update the javascript and let me know if there are any bugs.

  • Since everyone calls them "Quests" anyway, "Tasks" are once again known as "Quests". Refresh your browser to update the menu bar.

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2008: In the process of making a change to stat gain mechanics, I inadvertently put *some* of the changes into prod. Stat gains and level progression will be *odd* for a while.

2009: Whenever you acquire items through adventuring, they should show use/equip/eat/drink/etc. links. Handy, or what? Whaddya know? Turns out those links work when you combine or buy stuff, too. That just about doubles the amount of handy. You know those links I mentioned earlier? They're on the mail and trade pages now too. FOR GREAT HANDINESS!

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2009: Since this weekend's focus is stuff that's handy, have some more. There's some extra (and handy) info on various inventory pages, and there are some handy-dandy noteb... er, "Select All" buttons on the Autosell Stuff page. Blue would be happy.

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2009: Email confirmation is now required if you want to change your email address. For security reasons. Because, sure you care.

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2009: Several small updates: Any updates you haven't read are now shown on the overview and main map pages. Which you've probably already noticed. Also, as per player requests, there's a "send a trade offer" link on player profiles and autosell has been vaguely randomised. You'll know it when you see it.

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2008: Just uploaded some updates. If you're logged in, please refresh the page to get the latest Javascript.

2009: Since it's really really tedious, and mostly pointless, you don't have to anything for von Noob after you reset. Seriously. Try it and see.

  • The adventure queue system has been completly rewritten, which should significantly cut down on the number of repeated encounters. Hopefully without breaking anything else. Let me know if there are any problems.

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2009: Radio Free Xangaka is officially Paradox City's offical radio station. Click the Radio link in your Misc menu or head over to the Paradox Forums for more information.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2010: Tonight's intermission will be longer than normal while I implement a huge pile of security and performance improvements, and a couple of minor extra features. Expect intermission to be around 30 minutes, possibly more or less depending on whether or not there are problems.

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2008: Added (limited) avatar support

2010: A ridiculously large number of changes have finally made it through testing (thanks testers!) and have been rolled out here. If all's well, you won't actually notice any difference, except that the game might be a little bit more responsive, and it's definitely a lot more secure. Exciting stuff, isn't it? In other news, last month's Limited Edition Item has had its drop mechanic modified, and a few things have been tweaked here and there.

  • If anyone is having trouble logging on (and is reading this), please refresh your browser. There have been some security-related changes to the way the game handles logging in which might cause a problem for some people the first time if they're still using the old login page.
  • There is currently an issue with older versions of the Safari web browser, at least on Mac OS. I'll fix it as soon as I can work out how.
  • The issue with Safari should now be fixed, BUT you may need to refresh your browser (again) to make sure you're using the latest version of everything, and maybe log out and back in again. Any further issues (after you've tried that) please let me know.

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2010: By special request from Spiff, Wiki Wacky Taffies are no longer autosellable.

  • I just made a minor tweak to the security settings added recently. Some page refreshing might be needed to make the game work if you were just logged in.
  • In case you haven't noticed, there's a new option available in your account menu to automatically save a copy of all sent messages. It's turned off by default, but feel free to turn it on.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2008: Just about every area has been updated to make use of new CSS files, along with some minor improvements to some areas. Let me know if I missed anything or anything is now broken.

2009: MILESTONE! Stroby's added Paradox links to his Bookmarks Toolbar Folder! How exciting!

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2009: A new and exciting store has opened in the Moolah Rouge Mall. Much more exciting than, for example, this announcement. Go see Burt for all your awardy goodness. Addendum to the previous update: Some players may already have done things that would qualify for an award but may still not be able to obtain the award without doing it again. Sorry, some things weren't being tracked before. Lynch me if you like.

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2008: We now have a domain and a new server! Please let me know if anything is broken.

2009: There are three new awards available. No, I'm not telling you what they are, but it might give a little hint if I tell you that the fight mechanics have been modified slightly in terms of how stat gains are distributed across Brawn, Brains and Bravado. Or maybe that'll just confuse you. Have fun :)

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2008: I've made over 150 changes to various inventory management areas. All tested OK but let me know if any problems occur.

2009: The adventure queue has been significantly tweaked, and should now be giving a better "random" adventure selection than actual random numbers. Go figure. Let me know if there are any problems. Chat command error messages have been extended to make them more user-friendly. Isn't that sweet?

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2009: It's only taken me about a year to get back to it, but Inventory sections now have links to the various subsections at the top, to cut down on scrolling. Let me know if you want to see them anywhere else.

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2008: We have Wiki! Yaaay! Check the Misc menu in game.

2010: A rather nasty bug related to stashed moolah and reset restrictions has been found by CommanderMack and has now been fixed, but I have no way of telling exactly who's been affected. If you have had reset restrictions imposed over the past few weeks and have received moolah via pmail, check your stash currency and let me know if it's not right. In other news, due to the severity of the bug, I'll be sending CommanderMack a shiny new bugzapper shortly.

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2008: Thanks to Spiff, Paradox now has its very own Wiki. You're reading it now.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2008: As you fight, you will now gain proficiency in different weapon types. Ooh, aah. Token Gear (TM) is now open for business in the mall! Also, the mystery is now solved! Check your inventory.

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Paradox History: 2010: New login page and theme have been updated in the game. If you find anything looks wrong, it may be because your browser has cached some old files. Hit Ctrl+F5 (most browsers) to do a full refresh, clear your temporary files etc. etc. You know the drill by now. In other news, the new Limited Edition Item will be released in around 12 hours from now. If you want to get a Flashcube, now's the time to do it.

  • In case you haven't noticed, all inventory sections (except for showcase) are now collapsible, and the game will remember the state you left the sections in between sessions, albeit only on the same browser/computer. Handy for those who have a lot of stuff and don't like to scroll.
  • The new Limited Edition Item is now available from the Token Gear (TM) store in the mall (with thanks to CommanderMack).

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2009: Resetters Beware! We're currently in the process of making some fairly significant changes to the way reset works, which you should expect to see in the VERY near future. Leaderboards WILL be archived, and there are a number of other related changes that will make a difference to how you approach Reset. One of these changes will affect how certain devices are treated when you Reset. If you have any of the rarer Devices out on loan, I suggest you get them back asap. Fixed a small calculation error in the fastest quest leaderboards. Sorry about that. I've just been advised by Candy that she's rapidly running out of Infinite Rolls of TP. She says they expect to run out by the weekend, but there's some new stock (of something different) on its way to replace it. Just thought you'd like to know.

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2009: In a few minutes, I'm going to start uploading a huge bunch of changes related to the Reset mechanic. There should be no downtime, but you MAY notice some quirks, so I strongly advise you stop adventuring until the changes are complete. I will be in chat before and right through the update, so if you have any questions, go right ahead and ask. PHEW Ok the update is complete, and everyone should be fine to keep adventuring and test the hell out of the latest changes. That's what alpha is all about after all. If anyone has lost anything in the update, please pmail me with as many details as you can provide. Please note, insurance only covers real losses, not made up ones. One of the updates made today is concerning the way items show up when you acquire them, and there were some display problems in some (quite a few) places. I've fixed most of them but there are a few remaining that I'm working on. The problem is purely a display issue and has no effect on gameplay whatsoever. OK, so far as I can tell the display issues are sorted. Let me know if you find any more. Just a reminder to all players that, if they have a theory on how to exploit "loopholes" in the new reset system, they should discuss it with someone on the dev team before attempting to exploiting it. That's how "alpha" testing works. Anything else is risking account deletion.

2011: Does this thing still work? Testing! Testing! ONE TWO ONE TWO! TWO!! TWO!!! Good. I think we're going to need it.

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2009: Due to an overabundance of idiocy and an underabundance of flaming genius, the /flamewars chat channel has been disbanded. Probably permanently. For further information, go to /flamewars.

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2009: While reset restrictions are in force, Moolah from anything bought in your store will now go straight to your stash. You know, like the warning says it will. Thanks (and a shiny new bug zapper) to Invisible for bringing this and a similar store-related bug/oversight to my attention.

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2009: Another small bug related to resets (thanks again Invisible!) - New players are unintentionally subjected to the same restrictions as players who have reset, which is NOT intentional. I'll fix it as soon as I get home. Stupid work firewalls.

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2009: Ant gear items are no longer able to be stored or kept in quantities greater than one due to a potential issue with reset restrictions (think about it). If you had more than one of any of these in your backpack, or any in storage, these extras are gone now.

2010: Want to know what we're up to when we're not posting updates? Check out the Paradox twitter feed at http://www.twitter.com/pdox. It's riveting stuff. No really.

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  • Intermission tonight will almost certainly be slightly longer than normal (like maybe 30 minutes) while we roll out some new content.
  • There's a new store in the mall, and Candy's opened a new box of Token Gear goodness. Go get em, tigers! PS. Happy Valentine's Day!


  • There may or may not be some kind of Valentine's day content somewhere about the city. Seriously, I'm not allowed to elaborate, which means... well, that's all I have to say about that.


  • Don't forget to visit Florist Gump for all your Valentiney needs before it's too late! Provided your significant other really LIKES 40x40 images of really weird things that is.

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  • /flamewars is back. Rules are simple: No "You're gay" jokes. No "Your mom" jokes. Don't be boring.
  • Additional /flamewars rule: When the war's getting boring, stop it.

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  • UnknownZ has cleverly pointed out that there are circumstances in which the new store could be used to generate an infinite amount of moolah, albeit in a very time-consuming and not-necessarily-reliable way. Bug fixed, zapper sent. Thanks, Z :)

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2008: Many, many updates. New Inventory Management, Showcases, several tweaks here and there. Oh and if you're saying 'Dude, where's my avatar?' check out your Profile settings.

Hooray for auto-attack! Limited as it is. Also minor changes to inventory management and account settings. Less Hooray for those.

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2010: At around mid-day game time tomorrow (10th Dromedary 2012) I will be putting the game into maintenance mode for half an hour or so to make some significant database changes. I'll try to post updates on the paradox twitter feed, which you can follow at http://www.twitter.com/pdox.

2008: All non-dev accounts with IDs less than 1000 have been renumbered. Let me know if there are any problems.

Due to a MAJOR change in a couple of database tables, the Noob quest has been reset for everyone. Better go visit the Professor!

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2010: I believe that the silly, apparently-random "Inline chat sometimes doesn't start" bug has been squished in the latest version of the chat (0.7.23) but you'll probably need to refresh your browser to get it to work properly.

  • The latest update has made some extremely significant changes to the way the game stores information about your adventuring. While it's been tested pretty thoroughly, please look out for anything that refers to historical data that seems incorrect. That's things like favourite locations/opponents/equipment, award qualification, leaderboards etc. If you find anything, please report a bug.
  • Site maintenance is complete and, so far as I can tell, 100% successful. There was much rejoicing. Yay.

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  • Rollover happened a couple of times today by *cough* accident. Sorry for the extra turns.

We can has Leaderboards :)


  • The City's Timekeepers have discovered a fairly serious anomaly with the calendar we've been using, which resulted in us losing 2 months a year for the past three Paradox years. Surprisingly, nobody noticed until now. Two months have been added back to the calendar (hooray for Oxtober and Goatember) and, oh yeah, it's 2009 again. This is all perfectly normal behaviour and nothing to worry about.
  • Just for Kosh's benefit, this update is completely packed with fun. You'll just have to trust me on that one.

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2008: I really didn't want to do this, but there was no other way. All recipes acquired before I started tracking date/time have been deleted. If there are no recipes in your 'Combine Stuff' recipe list, you'll have to figure them out again.

2009: The pocket calculator is now an off hand item instead of an accessory. If you had one equipped, it's in your backpack. If you had an outfit with one as an accessory, it's been changed. There's a good reason for it.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2008: Our hosting provider is having "DNS Issues". I'm told they'll be fixed within an hour.

2009: Minor change to how the sidebar search thing works. If you're having any problems, refresh your browser.

2010: I just updated something. You'll know what it is without really trying. At least, those of you who've been here more than a year will. And unless you're Jesus who doesn't notice a damned thing.

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2010: Congratulations to two of Paradox's original sweethearts, BeastyClaire & Travoltus, as they become husband and wife today. "To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever you're wrong, admit it; whenever you're right, shut up." - Ogden Nash

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  • It's come to my attention that a code error has meant that Burt has been failing to correctly identify people who qualify for certain awards. I suggest anyone who's been trying to find them head back over to the mall and check. The junior programmer responsible has been fired.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2008: Due to new content testing, the mine has been reset for the day.

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2012 There are rumbles in the Para-sphere.... Life is being breathed into the relevant people! You may want to brush the dust of the forums and take a look!

  • Furthermore, I apologise for using the word "git" twice in the space of five updates. Give me a break, the last one was almost a year ago now. Git!
  • Does anyone remember what a "magic" helmet is? No, not THAT, you dirty-minded git! The other one. Yeah, that's it! Right, well they all disappeared again. Who knows if there's a reason for it?

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2008: With DST starting very soon, the time on the servers will change and I can't currently think of any reason to do anything about it. With that in mind, if you're NOT changing to DST tonight, rollover will happen an hour earlier.

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2008: Changes to Combine Stuff and Manage Stuff today. If you have problems, try a forced refresh of your browser (hold down Shift and click Refresh/Reload) before reporting a bug.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2009: You can now view extended reset and consumption stats from your overview page - if that's the kind of thing you like. Also, chat will count how many characters you've typed, so you don't accidentally run out of room for your critical messages. There's other stuff too, but nothing important.

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2012: I've just performed a major update on a LOT of the game's underlying code, as well as added some new content (you'll see it after intermission). If anything is broken, please let me know right away!

2011: Intermission might be a few minutes longer than normal today, for no particular reason. Potato. Oh, what a giveaway!

2010: Tonight's Intermission may be slightly longer than normal while we update a few things. If all goes well, it should only be about 5 minutes longer.

2009: St Patrick's Day content is in the works but may or may not be ready on time. We're doing our best but we can't guarantee anything. Apologies to the Irish.

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2012: Slight glitch with tonight's intermission. Nothing too serious, but some players may have unintentionally received a handful of additional turns at intermission. Lucky sods!

  • Chat notifications on mail/trade message received have been fixed, for the information of anyone who noticed they weren't working.

2011: The Placable Platypus holopet has had its silly beaver tail pulled and its crazy duck bill tweaked and it's now giving much more sensible item drop modifier rates.

  • Good news and... other news: The St. Patrick's day content will be sticking around for another day, but the Leprechauns have been adjusted slightly to remove the massive advantage they were giving people at very high levels. Oh and there's the thing about the Platypus that I'll tell you later.

2010: The combat item hit/miss calculations have been... well, not nerfed so much as fixed. Let's call them "tweaked". Yes, let's.

  • When fighting, your opponent's power meter now more accurately reflects your opponent's power compared to your own. A value of 1 (the minimum) means you're hugely overpowered compared to your opponent, while a value of 99 (the maximum) means the exact opposite. A value of 50 means you're pretty evenly matched.
  • Please to be thanking you very very much, but we are being having some special contents for today's holidays. To be being sure. Sorry, I just can't do an Irish accent.

2009: Well, what do you know? We made it! Happy St. Pat's day everyone :)

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2012: What's that? Riley is still here, you say? Bonus!

2010: Riley has once again left Paradox City, taking with him a gigantic stack of shamrocks. By way of thanks, he's left everyone who helped him a little gift. Check your inventory. Yes, we even used the same update message as last year. Bet you can guess what the gift is. Or can you?

  • Due to confusion, tiredness, lateness and, yes, general incompetence on my part, Riley's gift delivery was somewhat bungled last night. Never fear! All should now be well, although some of you may need to re-equip a certain something.

2009: Made some small changes to the way lists of items (mostly in stores) appear. It just looks... nicer.

  • Riley has left Paradox, taking with him a gigantic stack of shamrocks. By way of thanks, he's left everyone who helped him a little gift. Check your inventory.

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2011: Once again, that crazy old man has buggered off out of Paradox City along with his stash of silly green leafy things and again, he's left a little something in your inventory, to be sure.

2010: There have been some changes in and around Zweit-Childer Mine, including a new zone and some new items and stuff. Enjoy.

  • Just fixed a bug where items that modify your or your opponent's stats in the middle of a fight wouldn't take effect until the next combat round.

2009: You can now "use another" or "use several more" of an item you just used/ate/drank/whatever, without needing to scroll down. Paradox! Proudly protecting Paracites from carpal tunnel syndrome (and exercise) since 2009.

  • Now you can enter how many turns you'd like to spend resting in your room. I wish I could do that in real life.

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2012: Things have returned to whatever passes for normal in Paradox City. For now.

2009: I'm working on ways to make various bits of text tidier. If you see any changes, that'll be why. If you have strong opinions about the changes, let me know.

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2014: Thanks to player generosity, I am no longer moving Paradox to a cheaper hosting provider so ignore the previous update. Thanks guys and girls, you rock.

2010: The /flamewars chat channel is no more. It's a joyous day for everyone's mom.

  • Items marked as "giftable" but not "tradeable" can now be sent via pmail, but not through the trade system. Which is how they were always meant to work.

2009: Rainbow Springy is no longer listed as a "Consumable" item because, hey, it ain't consumable. There was also a slight bug with that item related to consumption stats, which I've fixed (thanks Invisible again) but it's not worth trying to correct the historical data. Trust me (he said with a wink and a nudge)

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2009: Due to the processor power required to generate them, leaderboards will now be generated once per day at intermission and displayed in game as a snapshot rather than being generated on-the-fly each time they're viewed.

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2009: Due to a permissions error (thanks Linux) the intermission script failed to run last night. I've run it manually and, by way of apology, given everyone an extra 50 turns to play with. Sorry about that, folks!

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2011: Some files may not automatically update in your browser, so if you're seeing anything weird, try a shift-refresh of your browser or maybe clear your temporary files/cache and trying again. Or, you know, try turning it off and back on again.

  • The update is complete and everything seems fine. If you encounter any problems, please report a bug (in your Mail menu) immediately and I'll get right on it.
  • The game will be going offline for a big code/database update in a few minutes time. Don't worry, though... I'll be doing enough of that for everyone.

2009: "Invisible: Everyone it's now my fault." Any problems, you know who to speak to :)

  • If anyone finds the new image, please put it on the wiki so Mack knows which one I selected :)
  • CommanderMack has very kindly provided us with an image for the remaining adventure that was missing one. You know, because we did that on purpose and were just waiting for someone to help out. We really didn't forget. Thanks, Mack.

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2014: Downtown is now open for adventuring, and the Lifespark pets have had a minor tweak to their special drops. Stay tuned for more in the very near future.

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2010: You might notice the word "Paracite" in various places throughout the game. This is not a slur on anyone, rather it's the very first sign of the existence of character class titles. A "Paracite" (not a parasite) is simply a citizen of Paradox City without a character class. That is all, for now.

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2014: The wooden jug can once again be used from the consumables screen.

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2009: For those who don't already know, Festive Spirit Dispensers will be removed from the Token Gear store very (VERY) soon to make room for something new. If you want to get one while you still can, now's the time to do it.

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2009: A minor code change that turned major might mean there's a longer-than-normal intermission tonight. Shouldn't be more than 30 minutes.

2010: I've just implemented a fairly cool new feature that we need your help to fully test (see your account options). Before you do anything, however, please see the Announcements section of the Paradox Forums for full information. Have fun and please report any bugs you find!

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2011: Please see the "News & Announcements" Forum for an important announcement regarding an impending game mechanics change related to the Placable Platypus.

2009: A minor code change that turned major might mean there's a longer-than-normal intermission tonight. Shouldn't be more than 30 minutes.

  • A new Limited Edition Item is available from Token Gear in the mall!
  • MrsORaptor has discovered and reported a rather nasty item dupe bug related to player stores. Needless to say, it's been fixed.

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2011: For those unsure where the new update is, check The Outskirts of Town. You'll see it immediately. If you don't, look harder. It's in there.

2010: Well, it's that time of the year, and those wascawwy wabbits are back again! Hey, at least now you'll be able to make sure you take some damage and check out the awesome new force-feedback mouse technology thing properly, right? Oh... Yeah. About that. As fun and awesome as that would have been, it was all just April Fool's Day shenanigans on our behalf. Ain't we stinkers?

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2008: By popular demand, Paradox City has decided to switch to a standard 24-hour clock. This 20 hours in a day, 48 minutes in an hour rubbish was causing too much confusion.

Due to time changes, there are going to be two rollovers tonight. The city's timekeepers claim this is some kind of "paradox" and that this kind of behaviour is perfectly normal and nothing to be alarmed about, which is just the kind of non-linear clap-trap we've come to expect from them.

2010: RFX listeners will notice a new addition to the /radio chat channel in the form of an NPC called "Radiohead" who will provide you with regular updates on the stream. Feedback/suggestions appreciated.

2014: CeruleanArcher's chat icon was changed to: CeruleanArcher.png

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2012: It's somewhat wepetitive and swightwy widicuwous (a bit like this update) but I've been wepeatedwy wequested to weturn Woss to his wightful wocation in Pawadox. Have at it!

2009: In the interests of proving we're actually doing stuff, have a map. No, it's not the one I was giving sneak previews of earlier. Feedback to the forums please.

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2009:You can't multi-use non-multiusable items by cheating any more. Blame (or thank) Commandermack for bringing that to my attention.

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2008: A whole bunch of changes have been made. Some you'll notice right away, some are slightly less obvious. As always, if there are any bugs, report them in the forums. Oh yeah, and you can now set up your own store to sell stuff to other people! Check your Inventory menu.

2009: A small typo in some important code has caused all kinds of havoc with a couple of players' inventories today. For the most part, I believe this is fixed, however if you notice anything odd, please STOP doing whatever it was you were doing and report it through the Mail->Report a Bug link asap.

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2011: The new Limited Edition Item is almost complete and will be in the Token Gear (TM) store very soon. If you still need a Karmic Chameleon Belt, now is probably the ideal time to get one.

2009: Due to an infwux of wascawwy wabbits, Paradox officials have declared it "Wabbit Season". Go see The Wabbit Hunter in town for more information.

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2009: Clumsy, ham-fisted oafs (you know who you are) will be pleased to know that the default value in the multi use popup box is now set to 1 instead of to whatever the maximum possible is.

  • Fixed a couple of bugs related to moolah transfer and item consumption. Stupid similarly-named variables.

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2009: Thanks to the combined efforts of Pawacites, the Wabbit Pwague has been bwought under contwol... for now.

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2011: Right2Wrong2000 just became the proud owner of a Big Bug Zapper for picking up a very silly error of mine that would have allowed people to buy an infinite number of the new Limited Edition Items. Lucky git.

The new Limited Edition Item is now available from Candy in the Token Gear (TM) store. Go grab one while you can - I think she'll be pleased to get rid of them.

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2009: Thanks to... well, "magic"... all "magic helmets" have disappeared from the city. Don't worry, you won't be needing them.

  • Server outage: Fixed? It looks like the hosting provider managed to fix everything, and we're back online. There's no obvious damage from the outage, but be vigilant and if you're absolutely certain something's wrong, send a bug report with as much information as possible and I'll do what I can to fix it for you.

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2008: Store management interface has been upgraded. Lots of cool new stuff there. Yay!

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2014: The Wabbit Hunter showed up two days early on April 18th, 2014

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2009: Several updates made today. Added notifications on change of respect (which will appear on the main page if you're not a chatter). Also added three new low-level equipment items and created an RSS feed for the updates.

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2008: Philosoraptor isn't wearing pants. Again.

2009: Hosting provider had "network issues" again and, just for laughs, decided to reboot the server as well, which meant intermission failed and had to be done manually. All back to normal now, hopefully permanently.

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2008: Some pretty big changes in chat today, you may need to do a shift-refresh to get the new javascript.

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2011: The Wabbit Hunter has finally made an appearance in town, about a day and a half later than expected.

2010: I just discovered that our hosting provider rebooted the game server right in the middle of intermission last night, so the game never came out of maintenance mode. Sorry about that.

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2009: Minor bug in chat. Fixed in version 0.7.1.

  • Updates completed. Paradox Chat is now at version 0.7.0 and there are a couple of new features that people have been asking for (chat macros and coloured chat channel names - check your Account-Options page). If you have ANY problems, particularly with chat, you should first try refreshing your browser to make sure you have the latest version of all files. If that fails, let me know.
  • I'm about to start uploading a few changes which may cause the site (and particular chat) to go weird for a few minutes. If it does, it won't be long.

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2010: In other news, the wabbit hunter appears to have been wandering through the city, taking back all his shiny magic helmets. What a strange little man.

  • Server load is still an ongoing issue, but the game is back up. I'll keep on top of the hosting provider as well as I can, and keep you updated either here or through the forums/twitter if anything changes.
  • The database server crashed overnight, but has now been fixed. I'm trying to find out from the hosting provider why this happened, but I'm not holding my breath for a reasonable response.

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2014: Woss Wobinson has kindly sent a small gift in appreciation for players who helped him "Kill da Wabbits" this Easter hunting season. Not so kindly, he has taken back his prized "magic" helmet.

And yes, even the one he forgot to reclaim a couple of years ago. Players who happened to be around for Easter 2012 might find a little extra something in their inventory.

2008: Several more updates to chat that may require a shift-refresh to ensure you have the latest copy of everything.

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2008: Avatar support has been.. well, changed. Check it out, it's shiny.

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2009: Added a bunch of new weapon combat messages thanks to jupider. If you have any suggestions for something you'd like to see in the game, please head to the forums. We're always on the lookout for new ideas

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2008: Check out the new (experimental) popup chat! Just like regular chat, only poppy-uppy. Ooh. Also a few minor updates here and there.

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2010: Intermission happened very (VERY) early today, but will still happen again tonight at normal time. Lucky for some I guess.

  • The system clock is still playing up and, if the system alerts are happening now, it looks like intermission will happen in about 15 minutes. There's nothing I can do about it from here.
  • The clock on the server pitched some kind of a hissy fit and failed to run intermission at the right time. I'll keep an eye on it tomorrow.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2008:MASSIVE refactoring work done over the past couple of days. Testing on dev, but, well, you know. Any problems with ANYTHING, please let me know.

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2011: A word to the wise: Don't try to use Beta Juice with a wooden jug. You won't like what happens. Trust me. There's a bug, and it will be fixed shortly.

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2008: You can view your stash (and take stuff out) from a link in the Inventory menu.

Eat, drink and use multiples of stuff at once with the new links. Check your consumables and miscellaneous inventory pages.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2009: Water balloons and in-a-bags are now flagged as consumable items, so they'll show up in your consumption history. For those who like that kind of thing.

  • A few new awards have been added, for which some people will almost certainly qualify immediately. Hooray!

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2009: Several updates made today. Added notifications on change of respect (which will appear on the main page if you're not a chatter). Also added three new low-level equipment items and created an RSS feed for the updates.

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2010: From approximately 1:30PM game time tomorrow, the game will be placed into Maintenance mode in order to migrate to a new (and hopefully lag-free) server. Please see the News & Announcements section of the game forums for details.

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2014: New items/recipes on their way any minute now. As are nerfs. HOORAY! said the citizens, ironically. Check the forum for information.

2010: Timezone on the new server was set to the wrong timezone so intermission happened really really early again. Fortunately it also didn't happen properly so apart from a couple of minutes of that maintenance page, nothing actually happened. I plan to be monitoring this tonight just in case there are further issues.

  • Migration to the new server is now complete! Hopefully that's the end of the lag... at least for a while.

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2014: There are several new, damp, items in the Paradox universe.

2008: Recent update seems to have broken... lots of things. Working on it right now!

One very important file was corrupted during updates. Took some finding but looks ok now. Sorry about that, chief!

Looking for Token Gear (TM)? Check your "Misc" menu.

Moolah can now be safely stored in your Stash, away from prying eyes.

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2009: Due to popular demand (well, a couple of polite requests), contact and ignore lists have been implemented. The ignore list functions are fully implemented, but the contact list stuff still needs some work to be useful. As usual, refresh your browser and chat to get the latest version of everything, and let me know if anything's broken.

  • Hint: Check your Account menu. Be sure to read the documentation for some important information.
  • The Paradox Conditions of Use have been updated. Specifically the section on Multi Abuse. Failure to read it is not an excuse for ignoring it so make sure you check it out at some stage.

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2009: A select box has been added to new mail/trade messages so you can quickly select someone from your contacts.

  • Along with chat channels, you can now set a colour to be used for displaying messages from players on your Contact List. Refresh your browser so you get chat v0.7.4 to see the effect.
  • The "LOGON" and "CHAT STATUS" options in your contact list now do what they're supposed to do.
  • And so does the "RESET" option. Browser refresh to chat v0.7.5 might be required. Any problems, please report a bug.

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2008: Devices can now be installed and manipulated in much the way they were intended. Still more work to be done on this, but it's a start.

2009:A couple of options related to player store purchase notifications have been added, and you can now choose to login silently. Like Ninja. That will stop nosy parkers (and parkettes) being notified when you log on.

  • Non-storable items no longer show up in your "Manage Stuff" lists.
  • Item and Moolah drop rate modifiers now affect item and moolah drops from non-combat encounters as well as combats. Yes, I know you probably thought they already did, but now they do.
  • Most combat items will now take your stats and your opponent's power into account when used. Yes, that includes healing items.

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2009:The "Manage Stuff" page has been tweaked to look a bit nicer and be more usable. You will almost certainly need to refresh your browser for it to work properly. Also, as well, in addition, the Backpack has been broken into compartments on both the "Manage Stuff" and "Store" pages. These compartments can be used as source compartments only! Use "Default (All Items)" as the destination for moving things TO your Backpack.

  • Mutiple tweaks to item lists in various places. Lists should now grow and shrink to fit your browser window AND you should be able to select multiple items by holding down the CTRL key while you click - or whatever the Mac equivalent is. Refresh your browser to update javascript and, as usual, report a bug if there are any issues (and, frankly, I'll be shocked if there aren't any with this one).

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2009: If you're encountering any issues with any of the item management stuff that's been changed, please refresh your browser and retry before reporting bugs as I've already fixed a couple today and there may be no need to report it. If the problem's still there after refreshing, report away!

  • You can switch between popup and normal chat using the "Attach" and "Detach" buttons. Expect this to be tweaked a bit over the next day or two.
  • I'm aware that the chat attach/detach thing doesn't always work 100% perfectly and plan to work on it more tomorrow. Please don't report any bugs, because I probably already know.

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2009: You can now add moderators and devs to your ignore list for trade/store purposes, but you'll still see chat/mail messages from them, regardless of what options you set.

  • Ok, you can now move stuff to your backpack regardless of which compartment is selected. Obviously, if you're viewing "Consumables" and you move something that's not a consumable, it won't show up in the list, but it will be moved to your backpack. Applies to both the "Manage Stuff" and "Store" pages.
  • Recent chat updates not exciting enough? You can add TIMESTAMPS to chat now. Woooo! Check your Account Options... Oh, and refresh your browser. Again.

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2010: Spiff's "End of Spring Fling" chat event starts in about 15 minutes. Come join us in chat for some games, prizes, and highly entertaining chatty shenanigans.

2009: Clicking an effect name will now give you a vague (and mostly lame) description of the effect.

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2014: The Paradox community extends its sympathy to the family of DJ Toothless, who passed away early Sunday morning in the United States. An original DJ and station manager with Radio Free Xangaka, Toothless provided many hours of wonderful music and fun over the years. He will be missed.

2009: Player profiles have been slightly modified so that you don't have to scroll past the comments to reach the store/showcase/contact/respect stuff.

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2008: Made some changes to the Updates system. Which you probably already know about. Also added a couple of things to Stash and Showcase pages.

2009: For anyone who just got booted out of the game, I don't know what happened... Yet. I'll see if the hosting provider can give me any info, but I won't hold my breath.

  • A few players have commented that the toolbar on inline chat takes up too much space. Fair enough. I've made the buttons half the height. Personally, I prefer them larger but I don't use inline chat so I'll let you guys tell me which you prefer. As always, refresh your browser if you can't see the difference or it's not working right. Feedback in the forums please.

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2008: You can change the order of the compartments in your Stash and Showcase. About time, too.

  • It's official, this is now version 0.3. WOW!

2009: For those who are both ADD and OCD (ie. you like shiny things but only in the correct order) you can now reorder your awards and stickers and choose which ones you want to display to other people. Check your account menu for info.

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2014: IMPORTANT!!! There is currently a major problem with the trade system where moolah is involved. I am investigating and will have it resolved as soon as possible. In the meantime, DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN TRADES FOR MOOLAH.

  • Crisis averted. A fairly major bug affecting mail/trade involving moolah has been fixed. Please report a bug if there are any further related issues related to moolah, either in mail/trade, or anywhere else in the game.

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2014: For big bug zappage, I'm pleased to announce the award of a big bug zapper to... Spiff.

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2009: Paradox now has a chat channel for RFX DJs and others who want to talk about radio specific stuff. Oddly, it's called "radio". Enjoy.

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2009: Drugs are bad, mmkay?

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2008: Uploaded a large number of changes today, which necessitated deletion and re-uploading of pretty much everything. If anything's broken.. report a bug.

Oh, and elemental resistance/damage now works properly. If only there were elemental monsters to fight.

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2009: You now have a chance of winning Moolah in the new Paradox Daily Lottery just for logging in.

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2009: In order to make room for a bunch of new pre-Legion content, the Department of Questionable Sciences Laboratories have been made SIGNIFICANTLY harder. You're probably going to need to think a little bit, now. Trust me, this is a lot less arbitrary than it looks right now.

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2009: Over the next few days we'll be carefully assessing and tweaking the changes in the DQS Laboratories. You can probably expect some things to change without warning.

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2009: A fourth leaderboard section has been added for archived boards, and now the reset boards on the normal records pages are sadly empty and in desperate need of someone to populate them. Go to it!

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2009: The way damage reduction from equipment works has been... well, it's been changed for a very good reason. Most people probably won't notice the difference at this stage but if you do, it's intentional.

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2009: In order for the Paradox Geek Squad (that's me) to do some important database maintenance, tonight's intermission will be significantly longer than normal. I'm estimating it'll be no more than two hours (and I'm hoping for just one) but can't say for certain until it happens. Know of something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2008: Uploaded a large number of changes today, which necessitated deletion and re-uploading of pretty much everything. If anything's broken.. report a bug.

Oh, and elemental resistance/damage now works properly. If only there were elemental monsters to fight.

2009: In addition to the database maintenance which is now (finally) complete, over 100 item and a bunch of opponent have been tweaked so that their properties better represent their actual approximate level in the game. Most of the changes involve autosell values (most of which have gone up) and attack and defence ratings (most of which have gone down). In most cases you won't notice much difference. As always - any problems let me know asap.

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2008: Just for fun, a couple of opponents in the test location have elemental alignments. They're not particularly sensible, but that's why it's a "test" location.

Added a player search box and store search box to the character pane, because... well, you know it makes sense.

UPDATE: This is an update! That is all.

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2009: There are still a heap of leaderboard positions available since the recent changes to the reset requirements. I'd just like to remind everyone that these leaderboards will be retained permanently on the archive page, even after we go to beta and beyond, so why not go grab a spot while you can? Not only will you potentially get yourself a place in history, but you'll be helping us test the game as well so everyone's a winner (baby, that's the truth).

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2009: Despite last week's database maintenance efforts, there are still some performance problems with the database, notably when accessing information for people who've played a large number of turns. I plan to do some serious investisnooping and resolve these issues asap.

Some favourite/most visited/most frequent information is temporarily unavailable while I investigate ways to improve database performance on one specific (gigantic) table. This will make a MASSIVE difference for some players' profile pages. Working on it.

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2009: Ok, the missing stats are back, but I've made a change that means this information is now ONLY updated at intermission. In testing, that resulted in profile information being displayed in one thirty-fifth of the time it was taking before, at the cost of extending intermission by a couple of minutes, which is still way better than it was before. Let's see how we go. Any problems, please let me know.

Ok, intermission completed in 5 minutes today (down from around 20 last week) and profiles are now loading much, much quicker. Hopefully all the information in them is correct - let me know if it's not. Remember, information about things like "Favourite Food" and "Most Used Equipment" is now updated once per day at intermission!

The Ultraspati...thing lab has been modified so that it gives less stats for a couple of encounters and, if you're snotless... well, you won't get much joy at all. Because we like to spoil your fun.

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2009: The first of several new zones will roll out after intermission tonight. For those playing at home (and for those playing elsewhere) there's a hint as to what the new zone's likely to be if you're paying attention.

1984: Spiff Was Born On This Awesome Day ;)

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2010: SallyFox's (#1245) super-exciting July Fourth chat event starts in just a minute or so. Stop by chat for some good company and even gooderer prizes and stuff. Happy ending guaranteed! Probably.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2010: All moderators now have the ability to see everything said in chat (apart from private messages), even if they're not logged in. It's no big deal but you probably should be aware of it. Privacy and all that.

2009: A smallish number of food recipes have been added, using existing items. Check your available ingredients list to see what might be combinable that previously wasn't.

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2010: Beta progress is progressing. Slowly, but surely. In the meantime, since so many of you have been asking, there's a new Limited Edition Item in the Token Gear (TM) store! It's kinda cool. In fact, it's the cat's pajamas... or part thereof.

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2007:I'm back from Alice Springs and I've uploaded all changes. I've still got a week off work so expect.. umm, stuff.

The game now has a name - "Paradox! The Musical". Why the last bit? I dunno, it amuses me. It might still change.

Additionally, I've started work on the inventory system, and you will notice that certain opponents will now drop items after a fight. There is still a LOT of work to do to fully implement this, but you should find some serious changes happening over the next few days.

I've revised my schedule in view of the massive amounts of work required to get to an actual release (inventory, communications, trade, and of course actual content etc.). Expect an alpha release in around 2-3 months time. After that, things should flow a bit more quickly. In the meantime, you should expect weird stuff, not the least of which being that a reset can occur at any time! No, really. Depending on what changes I need to make, I might have to wipe everything out of the database, and I won't be careful about it at this point. So, if you log on and you've got no money, stats, items etc. sorry, but that's just how it is for now.

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2009: We're about to upload some new stuff in preparation for tomorrow's new zone (around 24 hours from now). Nothing should change... yet.

2007: Frame sizes are now stored as cookies, so will remain if you log out or refresh the page. Inventory page now displays your inventory. Clicking "eat" on an item will.. umm.. eat the item. Clicking "equip" on an item will.. do nothing yet. Sorry.

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2009: The next zone will be opening in approximately 24 hours, give or take. This will not be during intermission, so be sure to save some turns tonight if you want to use them to explore.

All files uploaded ok. You may notice a few zones aren't open until you reach a certain level/complete a quest, but the requirements are pretty minimal. Please report a bug if anything doesn't open when it should.

2007: Well I had intended to do some more work on inventory, but wrote a basic chat interface instead.

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2009: A new zone, the DQS Kitchens, is now open for your adventuring pleasure. Consider this part one, because a bunch of new, related, stuff will be coming soon.

For those who are still puzzled... no, we didn't forget to implement recipes, nor have we introduced a bunch of useless items. We decided that, rather than make you wait another week or so while we finished the recipes, we'd give you the new zone now and follow up with them when they're completed. Stay tuned.

2008: Game window should now be full width. Huzzah. Yes, I know that makes some pages look a bit ugly, but I'll get to them.

The construction site no longer exists. In case you missed it. Still working on the overview page though. If you have ideas, post them in the forum.

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2009: Got a new cellphone and blew the entire day playing with it. Sorry.

2007: Read the new Harry Potter book. Sorry.

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2007: A player's equipment can now be seen on their player information page. Unfortunately a player still needs to be logged on for you to be able to see their page. That will change. Items can now be equipped. That's actually a MUCH bigger deal than it sounds. Fixed problem with "special" characters in the chat not appearing.

2008: First part of mail interface update uploaded. More to come later today/tomorow. I have bowed to pressure from the bifocal brigade and slightly increased the font size across the site. Also the updates system now shows the time and person who posted any given update. How exciting!

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2007:You can search for other players from the player information screen. Added progress indicator for loading pages. Still having some trouble getting it to work with POSTed forms (eg. fight, equipment).

2008: Several more layout changes. As always, tested in multiple browsers. Please report any flakiness. Don't report my flakiness, I already know I'm a flake.

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2007: Check your inventory for something.. interesting! Oh noes! I sold out to the man! Er, or rather I added a "Donate" link. Nobody who's here at this stage should even THINK of donating. Unless you're rich. Or you really want to. In all seriousness though, any donations made will be put aside and used to help set up a domain name and proper hosting, and will (of course) be rewarded with a Token of Appreciation for every $10 (US) donated. But, and let me make this PERFECTLY clear, there is no requirement to donate anything at all, ever. Made some major changes to the underlying PHP classes which make stat calculations about 500 times easier and mean that any items you have that modify your stats now display correctly in the character pane and effect fights etc.

2008: Several tweaks and improvements to the site interface which should make the site look much sexier and consistent across browsers. See, something to appeal to geeks and non-geeks alike. Also fixed some little bugs along the way.

2009: We're working hard on getting the promised recipes out in the next couple of days, along with a new, and hopefully complementary, Limited Edition item. If you still want to buy Pranksta Spats, we suggest you do it soon.

2012: Yes, I'm back. There will be updates coming aplenty. Plenty of updates acoming. Updates aplenty coming you will, hmmm? There is no try.

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2012: For those of you that DO NOT visit the boards, get your tokens ready a new token item will be featured in the token store and it is NOT an LEI but an item with a much longer shelf life! Also there is an upcoming additional appreciation item that will be given out when you donate. So save up your bucks and do not donate quite yet. ;)

2009: All issues should be fixed. I'm still trying to find out WHY we have an apparently-broken version of PHP on the prod server, but it should be ok for now.

  • Apparently the only serious problem with the new updates is the inability to actually log on so... nothing major then. Working on it now.
  • I've just uploaded a seriously massive number of changes related to security and performance. If I did it right, you shouldn't see any difference. Any problems, please report a bug or find me in chat.

Know of something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2007: We got mail! Fairly basic, but enough to allow sending/receiving messages. Testing now. Fixed a few small bugs (see the dev forum). Added player's local time to the player profile page. Changed player's last logged on to show YOUR local time. Provided I have your timezone saved in your profile (Jazzy, please advise).

2009: Despite every reasonable effort, and some seriously unreasonable ones, there's no way these new stuffs are going to be going out today. For various reasons, I'm not prepared to set another deadline at this. All I can say is that they'll be done as soon as possible and we'll keep you updated. Thanks for your patience.

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2008: Chat now has a "/mark" command. Which presumably summons up someone called "Mark" to hold your place in chat, or something.

2009: I'm going to clarify here BEFORE I get crucified: The new Limited Edition Item is NOT required to access any of the new recipes. It does something else that's vaguely related to, but not directly involved with, the new stuff. Sorry for any confusion.

  • For anyone wondering where the new free stuff is... That word again was "complementary", meaning "goes well with" not "complimentary" meaning "free". Oh, and there are 73 recipes in total now. Have fun.
  • As promised, there's now a whole bunch of new recipes in the game which make use of the recent DQS Kitchen items. Enjoy! There's also a new Limited Edition Item in Token Gear. Since I didn't give you fair warning, I'll leave the Spats there

Know something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2007: Added several enhancements to chat: 15 minute timeout , System messages , Private messages (use /pm or /msg to send) , Emote messages (use /me or /em to send) , Clear screen (use /cls or /clear) , Exit (use /exit)

  • Implemented multiple select operations for mail messages. At this stage you can delete, mark as read or mark as unread. Saving messages will have to wait until there's somewhere to save them.

2009: For those who keep wanting to know how many of X combat or nombat you've had (and who keep asking me to check) there's now an experimental "extended adventure information" link in the appropriate section of your profile. Let me know how it goes.

Know something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2009: Player profile pages have been slightly tweaked, pending the upcoming privacy option settings. Hopefully things are laid out better and grouped more logically.

  • Just added a shout filter to chat which will block any chat message which is over 10 characters long and contains more than 50% caps. Let me know if there's any issues.

Know of something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2007:I have completely rewritten fight.php! That's exciting to me, since the code is SO MUCH neater and easier to work with, but probably not exciting to you, since it should look exactly the same if I did it right.

  • Slight, but pretty, enhancement to the progress bars in the character pane.

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  • Ooops, forgot the description text in the fight. Fixed.
  • Added a few references and extended descriptive text on a few opponents.
  • Spent a couple of hours drawing a town layout I have in mind. Sorry, you can't see it here just yet.

Know something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2007: Spent $100 on stuff for the game. You'll find out in a couple of days. Or at least some of you will :)

  • Stupid power failures on July 31 apparently disrupted the system clock on (what I laughingly call) the "server" so times were a couple of hours out. Fixed.

2009: The Pranksta Spats are no longer available in the Token Gear store.

  • Oh, and the generic male/female/unspecified images have been made prettier. Ooooh! Aaaaaah!
  • Just uploaded a few minor bugfixes and tweaks to chat (parsing of HTML commands), adventure stats (added "too long" count - ie. fights lasting more than 30 rounds), a small issue with avatar display for non-gender-specific players, and a speed tweak for the respect details page, when viewing players with a lot of respect/disrespect. Any problems, let me know.

Know of something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2012: I'm about to update some stuff, so other stuff will go kinda funky. Bear with me for a minute or two.

  • Well that was way less painful than expected. New LEI is now available in Token Gear (TM). This is something very different, so be sure to appreciate all its nuances, ramifications and general sexiness. Have fun!

2007: OK you can now save a message, and elect to keep a copy of any messages you send. The latter option is OFF by default (to save disk space) but you can turn it on with the checkbox at the bottom of a new message. I haven't got anyone online at the moment to help me test fully, but feel free to explore and let me know how it goes.

Know something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2012: There appears to still be a problem with donations. If you donate and receive an error instead of shiny tokens, please report a bug including your donation amount and transaction id, and I'll fix it as soon as possible.

2007: The bug (below) is fixed now, and I've managed to sort out some other issues with repeated smilies and stuff in both chat and mail. Oddly, chat is failing to save ampersands (&) to the database, but mail is doing it OK, even though they both theoretically use the same code. It's too late and I'm too tired to think about it right now.

  • There is a bug in the mail system which causes HTML characters to be re-evaluated every time a message is saved (eg. when changing it from read to unread, saving it, whatever). I will get onto it when we get back from house-hunting this afternoon.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2008: Wikilinks are now optional and are turned OFF by default. You can turn them on again through your account options page.

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2008: You can now choose whether to go to the main map or your overview on log in.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2009: I've added a bunch of links to the top of various account-related pages to help you navigate around. It's the same stuff that's in the "Account" menu, but each to their own.

Restore-type items will now prevent you from using more than you need. Regardless of how many you specify, ONLY the number required to restore to max capacity should be used. I think I nailed them all but let me know if I missed anything.

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2012: All LifeSpark HoloPets have received significant performance tweaks as well as a new shared ability that pet owners should find more in line with the price. Nice one, Sparkie!

2009: The Iron Toque has been modified slightly so that "special" item drops are now more in line with the amount of export required to make stuff. And by "export" I mean "effort". Backspace is hard to reach.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2008: That silly chat bug that causes multiple "XXX joined chat" messages has been fixed.

2009: The game is currently suffering from lag caused by some idiot on our hosting node using far too much processor time. I've logged a support ticket (again) and hopefully they'll be able to sort it out before too long. Some day, maybe we can afford a dedicated server... until then, we're kinda stuck with it. Sorry. Know of something else that happened on this day? Add it here!


  • There are a ton of new item and opponent descriptions, images and custom messages floating around. Well at least a hundred anyway. Enjoy!
  • It's not *quite* done, but it's close enough. Charlie Gardens Memorial Park is now open. Feel free to check it out and report any weirdness.
  • A new item has been created to reward people who report significant bugs. The first one has been awarded to Dad (#1012) for picking up a rather nasty infinite item bug. Thanks, Dad!

Know of something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2008: There are a couple of new things in the Park, and I fixed the Gazebo so it works as intended. Enjoy.

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2008: I am currently in the process of optimising the codebase (yes, I said "optimising", I'm an Aussie), which involves making a whole lot of very very small changes in a very very large number of places. I'm testing as I go, but I need to make these changes in the live environment urgently so I can't test as thoroughly as I'd like to. Please let me know if there are any bugs as a result.

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  • Small update: Avatars are now 100x100 (thumbnails 50x50). Why? Because of the high availability of 100x100 avatars and the difficulty many people are facing resizing them to the old size. Yay.
  • Due to general incompetence on the part of our hosting company, there is a chance that the site could go down at ANY time. Not that you'll be able to read this if it does, but be forewarned just in case. Rest assured I'll be trying to get it back as quickly as possible.
  • The game will be taken offline to move to the new server at midnight GMT. That's in about... 45 minutes. It will be back once the move is complete and DNS changes have propagated.
  • The server move appears to have gone more or less flawlessly. I'm checking to make sure there are no problems, but please let me know if you find anything not working correctly as there may be permissions updates required.

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2008: The "Test Fight/Demo Location" zone has officially been disabled. Don't panic, we're gonna be replacing it with something much better. Soon.

  • Two new leaderboards added: Respect & Disrespect. Have fun with that.

2009: When an encounter leads to both a stat loss AND gain, you should no longer be told you gain then lose points/levels/etc. That's the theory anyway. Let me know if it's still weird.

  • Those among you who are particularly astute will have noticed a handful of new items that are somewhat useless. For the most part, this is only temporary. See, we have a sort-of a planny-type thingy... it'll all become clear eventually. At least, clearer than it is now. Trust me.
  • Please feel free to add your own enthusiasm to my last update. I'm tired.
  • New zone is now available for adventuring excitement. Go crazy.

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  • A diceroll function has been added to the chat system. Please see the wiki for usage information.
  • In addition to awards, there's now another type of frivolity to display in profiles - stickers. There will very shortly be some stickers available to decorate your profiles with. Very shortly.

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2008: The slingshot has had its power reduced to a much more sensible level.

  • Recent issues with spontaneous database corruption leading to all kinds of weird results should now be a thing of the past. Hopefully.

2009: The account options page has finally been updated so it looks like the other pages, and a new email privacy option has been added (at the bottom, just scroll down). Don't worry, if you leave the new option turned on, you won't be bombarded with junk. I promise. Know of something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2007: Hmmm, a construction site has unexpectedly appeared. And it makes me wonder. Like a bustle in a hedgerow. Whatever that is.

2008: A number of opponents no longer drop moolah because.. well, it's absurd that they would be carrying any moolah to drop.

  • A new quest has been added. I'm not going to tell you where. Have fun :)

2009: XP gain (ie. level progression) has been balanced better with other Stat gains. Also, some pretty stuff on the main map page. More to come. Let me know if any issues.

2010: For anyone wondering, the new packages will be openable soon. As soon as I know when that is, I'll post an update. In the meantime, enjoy the shininess.

Know something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2007: I've been screwing around with the database. If anyone discovers weirdness, let me know.

2008: Remember those stickers I mentioned? Check your miscellaneous inventory.

  • Sorry about the multiple database restarts in the last few minutes, I was just testing some performance mods. Currently showing pretty good results, too.

2009: The Wall of Scrawl has been updated so that the text is readable. And that's a GOOD thing.

  • OK, I forgot the DQS Research Labs. It'll be next week now due to... other stuff I have to do in the next couple of days. Thanks to those who let me know.
  • OK, I'm reasonably sure all maps now have images on them. Let me know if I missed any.
  • I'm slowly working through all these maps and converting text links to images with text, for much prettiness. None of the images are perfect, but they're better than boring old text. Hopefully they'll all be done in the next day or two.

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2009: For anyone currently looking for birthday shiny, hold tight until intermission. It'll be there I promise.

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2008: The game officially opened its doors to the public. We also had a Public Alpha Launch Party.

  • During 11th hour testing, I discovered a small problem with the intermission (rollover) script, which I corrected but of course had to test it. As a result, two intermissions today = extra turns and stuff for you. Huzzah!

2009: Had our one year birthday bash

2010: For anyone wondering, the new packages will be openable soon. As soon as I know when that is, I'll post an update. In the meantime, enjoy the shininess.

Know of something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2007: Tons and tons of stuff. See this forum post.*

*The original forum post no longer exists, but it's true there was tons and tons of stuff. Along with some lovely swearing from Gobberwart. Charming.

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2008: Due to me not paying due care and attention, everyone just accidentally got a couple of hundred extra turns for today. I hope you can all forgive me :)

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2007: You may have noticed that the game time has been displayed in the character pane (left side) for a week or so now, but we now also have our very own date and time system! Have fun figuring it out! The only thing I will tell you right now is that rollover will occur at game midnight. Which is at 10:00 (game time). Heh.

Implemented "Account" page. So you can change your password, location and stuff. Implemented "Sell Stuff" page. See nav bar at the top of the window.

2008: The emoticon-related chat-scrolling bug should now be fixed.

2008: Some alpha launch goodies bag items are now tradeable. Go crazy.

2008: Internet Explorer users, your menus should no longer flicker or change colour unexpectedly. If they still are, you may need to refresh your browser window to get the latest javascript.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2008: I've added support for Google's new Chrome web browser, and most things seem to be displaying fine. Occasionally, popup chat seems to not want to resize properly, but closing/reopening it fixes that. Gotta love inconsistent behaviour. I'll take a more careful look at this when time allows.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2013: There may be some down time over the next few days/weeks as I move Paradox to a less-expensive hosting provider.

2008: New multi-channel chat system has been implemented! Chat should now be version 0.6.0 - if yours isn't, do whatever it takes to force your browser to refresh until it is (or chat won't work properly).

  • We currently seem to be experiencing random periods of lag, which is almost certainly the hosting provider's fault yet again. I've logged a support ticket, but in the meantime please be patient.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2014: Thanks to Ragazi, we are turning this game around RIGHT NOW!

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2014: For players who enjoy dressing up in silly outfits and hunting for goodies, this year's Halloween content might just be right up your dark and spooky alley.

2015: New Halloween content will appear after Intermission tonight. It's both tricky and treaty, and a little bit sucky too. Know of something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

Nov 3, 2009 18:16: Observant players have probably noticed that a new Token Item is due. Overdue, really. With all the Halloween goodness, it's been delayed but is coming soon and will replace the Iron Toque when it arrives.

Nov 3, 2009 22:48: After multiple requests to disable it completely, I've agreed to change the chat inactivity timeout from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. If it has a negative impact on the game now, or at any point in the future, it will be changed back. Make sure you have chat v0.7.13 to get the longer timeout (refresh your browser if necessary). Please, stop asking me to disable it entirely. It's there for an excellent reason and needs to stay. !

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Thu, Nov 5, 2009 04:52 - Gobberwart Several updates... Chat now has an "away" function and will tell us who's lurking. There's a notepad. Um, player stores now show "-" for no limit instead of "0" (thanks Wilson) and a couple of other minor things. Worth waiting for? Turnip.

Thu, Nov 5, 2009 04:06 - Gobberwart Tonight's intermission will be longer than normal. As long as a turnip, as usual.

2010: Another outfit has been added to the game. Its purpose is currently Unknown.

The drop rate for probably milk has been doubled due to multiple requests. Hopefully things will be significantly milkier for those who want it.

2008: Added the "Today In Paradox History" templates to the wiki. Which is what you're looking at now.

Testing of the last update to chat seems to indicate a huge reduction in chat's memory usage. Which makes sense in its own special way. Any feedback on that would be appreciated.

A couple of changes have been made to chat (both kinds) to address an issue some people have been having with chat failing to automatically refresh while Avast! Antivirus is running. Please refresh your browser and make sure you have v0.6.25 of chat, and let me know if there are any problems.

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2009: Due to popular (and less popular) demand, somewhere between three and five (ie. four) relatively-easily-obtainable TP restorers have been added to the game. Check with Rex for the really easy ones. The others you'll need to hunt for. This update may or may not be related to the impending release of a new Token Gear (TM) item.

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2009: The Placable Platypus holopet has had its formulae tweaked (oooh!) so that it will properly give a bonus at intensity levels beyond 30. This will make it slightly less effective at lower levels but much, much better at higher ones.

  • In other news, the combat script has been adjusted slightly again to take care of an issue with auto-attacking when your opponent gets intiative. Of course, that meant I found something else that needs more tweaking so expect changes in the coming days. Any problems, please report a bug.
  • And finally (for today), someone has finally noticed that "cheesy" has been spelt incorrectly in a couple of places for around two years. This grotesque oversight has now been corrected! Harsh words were said, tears were spilt, and accusations were made about the spelling of "saucey" elsewhere. Look, I don't want to talk about it, OK? That bruise? I walked into a door! Kids, go stay with your Auntie Maureen for a few days!

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2009: A minor issue with players joining chat but not showing up in the player list until they speak has been fixed. Update to chat v0.7.18 to see the change.

  • Chat v0.7.19 brings us a reordering of the right-click menus. In general the new layout seems to make more sense, so please take some time to get used to it before you tell me you liked it better before. Also in v0.7.19, it's now possible to respect/disrespect people from chat/the right-click menus. I believe that's the last bit of fiddling with chat for a while.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2007: There's now a chance of critical hits during combat.

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2007: New zone added. Check the outskirts of town.

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2009: The Iron Toque is no longer available from Token Gear (TM). That is all.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2007: Every combat/non-combat adventure you spend is now tracked. Expect leaderboards and updates to player profiles.

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2007: As new recipes are discovered, they can be selected from a drop-down list for future use. Expect more leaderboards.

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2007: The mine now has an experimental queue so you should get the same non-combats over and over. The queueing system has been extended to all zones and to combat as well as non-combats. You should notice the difference. Background colour changes based on time of day again.

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2009: The chat macro test feature, which apparently nobody actually uses, has been broken for some time but is now fixed. There was much rejoicing.

  • All the main, non-animated, chat emoticons have been replaced with a new, original, consistent set of images. We're in the process of sorting out the rest. It might take a couple of days for your browser's cache to update, but it will eventually.

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2009: Chat v0.7.20 has had some tweaks added that should hopefully improve the horrible memory leak behaviour in Firefox. As always, refresh your browser to update and let me know if there are any problems.

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2009: In an attempt to further reduce memory leakage, chat (as of v0.7.21) will no longer scroll back infinitely, but is limited to 500 lines. Once that limit is reached, the lines at the top will start being removed as new lines are added. At some point in the future, this might be made configurable (if there's demand for it) but for right now, it's enforced so I can do some decent testing. Let me know if you have any feedback/thoughts/suggestions.

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2007: Fixed a small bug related to stat gains. You will now get less. Sorry. For the sake of variety, there are a few new messages you'll see in combat.

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2009: As many of you have no doubt noticed, we have been experiencing a ton of lag lately. This is the result of a problem with our hosting provider and we are currently working as closely as possible with them to get the problem fixed. In the meantime, please be patient - we'll get it sorted out as soon as we possibly can.

  • There are a couple of things I can try which MIGHT help bring the current lag situation at least partly under control. Unfortunately they involve some down-time. Hopefully no more than an hour but that assumes everything goes well. I'll be doing that at around 8am AEDST, or 11am game time tomorrow. Please bear with me while I do that work and, if all goes well, enjoy the reduced lag.

Know of something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2009:Maintenance done. Load on the server has been really low anyway for the last 18 hours or so, so it's impossible to tell if it's made any difference, but everything seems to be working just fine. Let me know if there are any issues.

  • It turns out that 8AM AEDST is actually 11:30AM game time, which is approximately now. In a few minutes, the game will be going offline for me to perform some exciting database maintenance. Assuming everything goes well, it shouldn't be offline for more than 30 minutes.
  • There are a couple of things I can try which MIGHT help bring the current lag situation at least partly under control. Unfortunately they involve some down-time. Hopefully no more than an hour but that assumes everything goes well. I'll be doing that at around 8am AEDST, or 11am game time tomorrow. Please bear with me while I do that work and, if all goes well, enjoy the reduced lag.

2007:The defenc(s)e rating of your equipment now actually makes a difference in a fight. About time too. Ruh-Roh. You can fumble now too. Know of something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2008: Today's intermission will be significantly longer than normal (around 30 minutes- hopefully less), so we can push out some new stuff. You know you want new stuff, don't you?

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2008: There are rumors of a ruckus at the University, with loud noises coming from the windowless grey building all day and all night. You might want to go check it out.

2009: The budget in the DQS Labs was approved so we now have real doors. Don't forget to knock.

Know something else that happened on this day? Add it Here!

2007: The dev server is struggling. Looking into production hosting that doesn't cost the earth. Timezone removed from player profile for those who like to be secretive. Know of something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

2008: I found a slight bug which meant that turns played was slightly (and in some cases appallingly) inaccurate. This has now been corrected, which means that some people might notice turns played stats/leaderboards are unexpectedly different. Sorry about that.

2009: Discovered a logic error in the fight code that could lead to an opponent getting a second chance to get initiative, even after you've tried to attack it. The error required several minor adjustments to the code, but hopefully all is now well. Let me know if fighting is giving weird results (ie. repeated initiative messages, combat rounds not progressing etc.)

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2008: User:Archerstar found a bug with a new item that meant it wasn't giving people the amount of moolah it said they should be getting (or any moolah at all for that matter). The bug has been fixed and all players have been credit with an amount of moolah equal to twice the average from the item multiplied by the number consumed. Because I'm nice like that :)

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2007: The noob quest is the same, but all the underlying code's been redone. Let me know if anything appears to be broken.

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  • There is a new chat channel - "spoiler" - in which you can freely discuss anything you like related to new content, without fear of the dreading "NO SPOILERS" mod warning. Please use it responsibly, and be careful not to mischannel.
  • Looks like Candy's found another big box of stuff. Head on over to Token Gear (TM) for a shiny (and festive) new special item. Stocks are limited to as many as there are in the box.

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2009: Just fixed a mail bug where, if you saved a copy in your "Sent" folder, and the recipient moved the message to their "Saved" folder, it would no longer appear in your "Sent" folder. No idea how that lasted so long.

2010: There are a couple of important game updates in the forums. Head on over there for information you NEED to know. For those who don't *do* forums... tough. Start now or miss out.

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2007: If you scroll up in chat, it shouldn't scroll down when a new message arrives until you manually scroll down again.

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2010: By special request of Sallyfox, chat just got a little bit more Christmassy... ish... thing. Ha! Bumhugs!

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  • A third class of leaderboard has been added - "Fasterest" (yes, I know). Refresh your browser to get it to appear on the menu.
  • Leaderboards now go right up to 20! Eleven? Pah!
  • There are now leaderboards for "first reset" and "most resets". More to come.
  • It is now possible to reset your account and do all the tasks again from level one. Don't worry, you won't lose anything (promise!), but it'll give you something to do apart from amassing stats, moolah and items, and it'll help us test the game, which is pretty much the point of Alpha. To reset, go to your Account menu and click Reset (refresh your browser if it's not there), then make sure you read the information displayed before committing to your decision. So, who will be the first brave soul? :)
  • User:Dad (#1012) has found ANOTHER item dupe bug and earnt himself his THIRD bugzapper. Yes, it's been fixed. Apologies to all potential exploiterers.

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Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2008: A few little updates today, mostly just correction of typos, however if you can't see the search boxes in the charpane (left of screen), refresh your browser. I made a change that prevents those boxes being refreshed every time the charpane refreshes, saving on bandwidth (yay) and making your previous search terms stay put.

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2008: Water balloons and Farts-In-Bags are now multiusable. I figure they're hard enough to obtain, might as well make them easy to use. Additionally, the Legion quest has been modified to be slightly less frustrating. If you're doing the quest, you'll see what I mean.

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2009: For reasons of great helpfulness (and suprising obviousness) the autosell page now orders items by name, which is sensible, rather than by item id number which... isn't.

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2009: So it turns out that image maps based on PNGs don't actually work in IE6 or below. Good job, Microsoft! Again. I've added a fix, so users with IE6 will be able to get around in the mall and the cinema, albeit with a less-than-attractive gif map image. Users with proper browsers still get the lovely alpha-blending from the PNG. That's win for everybody!

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2008: The games official radio station (Paradox Radio) was added. You can listen by clicking on the Misc menu.

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2009: Despite some fairly major coding headaches, the new Limited Edition Item and some secret stuff I'm not allowed to talk about is ready to roll out. Because it's a fairly major update to some fundamental mechanics, I'll be migrating everything to the live server during intermission tonight. As a result, intermission will be longer than normal. Probably no more than 30 minutes if all goes well. If it doesn't... you know the drill.

  • For those wondering... no, the Platypus will not be leaving the Token Gear (TM) store immediately. For future reference, though, once a limited edition item has been in the store for 12 weeks, you can pretty much assume it's going to be replaced any minute and make sure you get all that you need, because we can't do this every time.

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2008: Today's intermission will be slightly longer than normal, as there are a few updates that need to be made. Nothing exciting, mostly tweaks/bugfixes, but I need to take the game offline while I make them. Sorry.

2009: A new Limited Edition Item is now available in the Token Gear (TM) Store! YAY! In other news, some fairly major changes to some existing code have been made in the last few days. Everything SHOULD be ok, but be on the lookout for any weirdness, particularly when adventuring. If you spot anything, let me know. Oh, and while we're here... burn cream is now usable in combat. See, we do listen sometimes.

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2008: Please ignore the previous update. I sneakily made the changes when nobody (except Misty and jupider) was looking so intermission will be normal length after all. You shouldn't notice anything new - just bugfixes and tweaks mostly. Move along, nothing to see here.

2009: The map image for the Wessonian Museum is EXACTLY the same as it was before. Any changes you think you're seeing are COMPLETELY imaginary. Also, I won 1,000 moolah in the lottery today, yay me! Who needs twitter, seriously?

2010: 24 Hour Yule Chat Party starts NOW!!!! Actually a few minutes ago. And it might be more than 24 hours. And... Oh look, just go into chat and get some cool prizes and hang out and stuff, OK? Excellent. Glad we got that sorted.

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2008: During intermission, it looks like someone hacked the game (potentially via the chimney) and left a couple of items in everyone's inventory. Oh well, no harm leaving them there I guess. PS. Merry Christmas everyone :)

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2007: Christmas 2007
2008: Christmas 2008
2009: Christmas 2009
2014: Yule Day 2014
2014: Check your inbox for a special message from some guy, possibly with some stuff attached, and have a very merry Yule, Paracites! Know of something else that happened on this day? Add it here!

Nothing of importance happened on this day in Paradox history. Be the first to add something!

2009: The Placable Platypus holopet is no longer available from Token Gear (TM).

  • For a couple of reasons, it is now impossible to create a player account with a name that doesn't contain at least one letter (a-z), though why anyone would want to do that in the first place is beyond me. Anyway, there it is.

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2009: The code responsible for selecting "random" encounters when adventuring has been tweaked to hopefully reduce the number of repeats. Repeats WILL still occur, but getting the same thing more than twice in a row should now be a lot less common. If you notice any issues, please report a bug.

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2007: The Elves have been kicked into shape. Christmas stockings should now be full of goodies!

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2007: I made a minor change to the rollover script yesterday which effectively made the database updates not happen. Fixed for today's rollover and run manually (twice) just now.

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Today in Paradox History

June 2

2008: Made some changes to the Updates system. Which you probably already know about. Also added a couple of things to Stash and Showcase pages.

2009: For anyone who just got booted out of the game, I don't know what happened... Yet. I'll see if the hosting provider can give me any info, but I won't hold my breath.

  • A few players have commented that the toolbar on inline chat takes up too much space. Fair enough. I've made the buttons half the height. Personally, I prefer them larger but I don't use inline chat so I'll let you guys tell me which you prefer. As always, refresh your browser if you can't see the difference or it's not working right. Feedback in the forums please.

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